June 19, 1952 Dr. T. 2. Someborn Dent of smlogy Indi6nQ Utivarsity Bloomi@m, Iridiana The WAC&a queaCion Qf auto&Wmus ro-w PA cck tim (Gut3!.&? of xtotrophic orgshitas taken as a whole) needs more oimmspsction thin 2t ha52 hnr! for the mst part (vI?E. mmh of the yaaet work). f hope you and atim readers will take quite serious&y EQT disclaimer of any originality. There are very few specrulatllons quite new War the sun in a fisld Uks this, and the only fun&ion of the raview is that of enphasLs/ and ohoice (hence r!eclmti@l). p. 51: "Alp9&,ute unft of &at?" is just the PGiDt! Too zmy biologists, geneticists in&tied, have eeemgd to adopt a rather naive monadic philosophy. But I'll try to sharpen this up! You are quite right &out mtabUit,ybe~ ~onoeptually independent of omplexity. I had in mind a distinM.on betwm-~ all-or-none ohanges, md multiple alleles. OHI itself would not satis& the mutability requirement, at first sight, The one point MJ.l debatable has to do with the mcromauleue ee a plea&L I have tzied to vidiss whet would happen if the sacronucleue were not eo prominent microsaopicelly, end one had to rely entirely oh genetia observations, I think that its intmpretation ae a aytoplmmia syetem would have eaemed plausible for the following ob~rammtlonar Rrrdiation effecta exmted oaly after autogafny (much of thie, of aouree, could result from dominance, and the role of the maoronwleua would mC& be paradoxical. only for dombnt mutationa); Matroclinoue deter&nation under conditions of mcronuclear regenerat4onj QeneuCr bQlhaviw of micronucleates (nulloploid ve. diploid); Y$t,oplaemirr contaminetion~ under conditions of maaronuolear-f ragmeni: emhenge I If, eventually, reveral treite were to be studied together, we would some to realize that the persistent cytoplemic eyetern (ueually m-derived from the nuclekue) at each reor&ani%ation, wee highly organbed. Perhape at thie dlstanue I have owaremphaaised the eignificmce of maaronuclser regeneration. But thie looks to me I.&e by possible starting point for even a lees organismi ex%ra4n.icronuale4tr ayaWn, It atight be worth looking for the poaaibility of mecronucleinderived only part;lg: by regeneration. I had already t&en out the i@ioaticn od dualits of rnlrormalsar end aytopla@c control in different varietied (this wm4, of aoume, from the '46 6ympodwn). Did you find it aawing to eee what an intereatsd student can fi&l from your oapers? Outdatad interpretations have a habit of psreiet~;longer then they should (like tmperfluou8 mcromiclear f ragmnta 1) May I confeaa that my worst trouble writing thie thing wae Making there wee not much point to it, since you had alraady stated a similar cam, and you yourself would hardly find enyth&ng new in it. But there are a few thousand other readers who may be jolted even by a restatement. I h* saved some of w noted on ths condensed eecticne (e.g. lymqpmiaity). `here may be opportunify (if you think it appropriate) for more4 elaborate dieaues ione in aorrm chaptere of the book QOM. &is review has taken mch mom tims than it would be worth for its own 88&e. bever, I did learn a mmber of things 4yaelf, and it provided nome opportunity tc organise n\p thinking on Veil geneticel', 80 &at I will be a little better able to participate with you on 0011. Sometime eooa we should perhaps resolve doare of the general quest&me ofqanisation. Thank8 for your help on thie review, Sinaerely, Joshua bdsrbsrg