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Volume 10, Number 10, October 2004

Syndromic Surveillance for Influenzalike Illness in Ambulatory Care Setting

Benjamin Miller,* Heidi Kassenborg,† William Dunsmuir,‡ Jayne Griffith,* Mansour Hadidi,* James D. Nordin,§ and Richard Danila*
*Minnesota Department of Health, Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA; †Minnesota Department of Agriculture, St. Paul, Minnesota, USA; ‡University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia; and §HealthPartners Research Foundation, Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA

Figure 5.
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Figure 5. Cumulative sum (CUSUM) control chart of a hypothetical anthrax release occurring April 1, 2002. CUSUM of the residuals (broken line) is charted over the observed number of influenzalike (ILI) visits to the HealthPartners Medical Group (gray bars) and the additional outbreak-associated ILI cases (white bars). The system threshold, the CUSUM decision interval (solid line), is exceeded on April 6 and remains above threshold until April 15. In this scenario, an additional 45 cases of ILI over 5 days are necessary to push the CUSUM above threshold. This represents an 11.7% increase in ILI during that time period.


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This page last reviewed September 13, 2004

Emerging Infectious Diseases Journal
National Center for Infectious Diseases
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention