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Quiz for Introduction to Health Services Research Module 1

Module 1 gave you a brief and basic introduction to health services research and described many of the important areas of research interest. Upon successful completion of this quiz you may request a Certificate of Success by clicking on the button located at the bottom of the answer page.

1. Concern for the underserved population in the United States 1960s and 1970s lead to an increase in the numbers of physicians | physician assistants and nurse practitioners. (Select the best answer).

physician assistants and nurse practitioners

2. Researchers define access in terms of (select the correct answer).

sociometric analysis
male to female ratios
utilization rates

3. Outcomes research measures (select the correct answer).

how long patients remain in the hospital after a procedure (length of stay)
the outcome of peer-to-peer transmission of health information
why most online health information is suspect
the changes that occur in people's health and satisfaction due to specific medical and health interventions.

4. John Wennberg and his colleagues are best known for their work in (what area of research)?

asthma prevention in children
demand for specialty care in HMOs
uncompensated care of the uninsured
small area variation

5. The definition of the term health services research as first defined by Last in his Dictionary of Epidemiology has remained remarkable constant over the past 25 plus years. True | False



Last updated: 21 May 2004
First published: 05 December 2003
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