GLOBE Standards and Curriculm Integration

You have selected Texas as your state and 5 as your grade level.

To continue, select standards to see which GLOBE concepts and tasks satisfy them:

Standards for Texas, grade 5:
5.10a Inherited Traits
5.10b Learned Characteristics
5.11a Long Term Changes Over Time
5.11b Conclusions About What Happened Before
5.11c Earth Resources
5.12a Land Forms
5.12b Formation of Coal, Oil, Gas, and Minerals
5.12c Physical Characteristics of the Earth and Moon
5.12d Gravity
5.1a Safe Practices
5.1b Conservation of Resources
5.2a Plan and Conduct Investigations
5.2b Collect Information by Observing and Measuring
5.2c Constructing Reasonable Explanations and Drawing Conclusions
5.2d Communicating Valid Conclusions
5.2e Data Representation
5.3a Analyze, Review, and Critique
5.3b Draw Inferences
5.3c Represent Using Models
5.3d Evaluate Research
5.3e Making Connections
5.4a Collect, Record, and Analyze Data
5.4b Increasing Reliability of Results
5.5a Simple Systems
5.5b Interactions in Simple Systems
5.6a Changes Occurring on a Regular Basis
5.6b Water, Carbon, and Nitrogen Cycles
5.6c Life Cycles of Plants and Animals
5.7a Physical Properties of Matter
5.7b Mixtures and Physical Properties
5.7c Changes in Physical Properties
5.7d Constant Properties of Substances
5.8a Forms of Energy
5.8b Reflected Light
5.8c Circuits
5.8d Vibration and Sound
5.9a Comparing Adaptive Characteristics
5.9b Analyzing and Describing Adaptive Characteristics
5.9c Adaptive Characteristics Required for Survival and Reproduction

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