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Publications & Products




Listed below are some selected publications of recent journal articles, reports, and books published by the unit's biologists within the last 10 years. You can scroll down to see the entire list or use the links above to jump to different sections on the page.

PDF versions of these publications are not yet available online. To request copies of these publications, please contact Mary Strong at:



Landowner's Guide to Wildlife Habitat: Forest Management for the New England Region (DeGraaf et al. 2005) is an easy-to-use guide for enhancing wildlife habitat quality, timber values, and the appearance of forest lands.




Armstrong, J.D. and K.H. Nislow. 2006 Critical habitat during the transition from maternal provisioning for freshwater fishes. Journal of Zoology 269:403 - 413.

Armstrong, J.D., J.W.A. Grant, H.L. Forsgren, K.D. Fausch, R.M. DeGraaf, I.A., Fleming, T.D. Prowse, and I.J. Schlosser. 1998. The application of science to the management of Atlantic salmon: integration across scales. Can. J. Fish. Aquatic Sci. 55: 303-311.

Brooks, R.T. and W. Mark Ford. 2006. Introduction to the special section - bat habitat use in eastern North American temperate forests: site, stand, and landscape effects. Journal of Wildlife Management 70:1171-1173.

Brooks, R.T. 2005. A review of basin morphology and pool hydrology of isolated ponded wetlands: implications for seasonal forest pools of the northeastern United States. Wetlands Ecology and Management 13:335-348.

Brooks, R. T. and W. Mark Ford. 2005. Bat activity in a forest landscape of central Massachusetts. Northeast Naturalist 12:447-462

Brooks, R.T. 2004. Early regeneration following the presalvage cutting of hemlock from hemlock-dominated stands. Northern Journal of Applied Forestry 21:12-18.

Brooks, R.T. 2004. Weather-related effects on woodland vernal pool hydrology and hydroperiod. Wetlands 24:104-114.

Brooks, R.T. and M. Hayashi. 2002. Depth-area-volume and hydroperiod relationships of ephemeral ("vernal") forest pools in southern New England. Wetlands 22: 247-255.

Brooks, R. T. 2001. Effects of the removal of overstory hemlock from hemlock-dominated forests on eastern redback salamanders. Forest Ecology and Management 149(1-3):197-204.

Brooks, R.T. and K.L. Doyle. 2001. Small mammal diversity and abundance in vernal pool habitat. Northeastern Naturalist 8: 137-148.

Brooks, R.T. 2000. Annual and seasonal variation and the effects of hydroperiod on benthic macroinvertebrates of seasonal forest ponds in central Massachusetts, USA. Wetlands 20: 707-715.

Brooks, R. T. 2000. Residual effects of thinning and high deer densities on eastern red-backed salamanders in southern New England oak forests. Journal of Wildlife Management 63(4):1172-1180.

Brooks, R. T., H.R. Smith, and W.M. Healy. 1998. Small mammal abundance at three elevations on a mountain in central Vermont: a sixteen-year record. Forest Ecology and Management 110:181-193.

Byers, B.E. and D.I. King. 2000. Singing by female Chestnut-sided Warblers. Wilson Bulletin 112: 547-550.

DeGraaf, R.M., M. Yamasaki, W.B. Leak, and A.M. Lester. 2007. Forest Wildlife Habitat Management in New England. Lebanon, NH: University Press of New England. 305 pp.

DeGraaf, R.M. and P. Sendak. 2006. Native and Naturalized Trees of New England and Adjacent Canada. Lebanon, NH: University Press of New England. 256 pp.

DeGraaf, R.M., M. Yamasaki, W.B. Leak, and A.M. Lester. 2005. Landowner's guide to wildlife habitat: forest management for the New England region. Lebanon, NH: University Press of New England. 111 pp.

DeGraaf, R.M. and M. Yamasaki. 2003. Options for managing early-successional forest and shrubland bird habitats in the northeastern United States. Forest Ecology and Management 185:179-191.

DeGraaf, R.M. and M. Yamasaki. 2002. Effects of edge contrast on redback salamander distribution in even-aged northern hardwoods. Forest Science 48 (2):351-363.

DeGraaf. R.M. and M. Yamasaki. 2001. New England Wildlife: habitat, natural history and distribution. Lebanon, New Hampshire: University Press of New England. 482 pp.

DeGraaf, R.M. and T.J. Maier. 2001. Obtaining and storing House Sparrow eggs in quantity for nest-predation experiments. J. Field Ornith. 72: 124-130.

DeGraaf, R.M., T.J. Maier, and T.K. Fuller. 1999. Predation of small eggs in artificial nests: effects of nest position, edge, and potential predator abundance in extensive forest. Wilson Bulletin 111: 236-242.

DeGraaf, R.M., M. Yamasaki, and J.B. Hestbeck. 1998. Associations between breeding bird abundance and stand structure in the White Mountains, New Hampshire and Maine, USA. Forest Ecology and Management 102: 217-233.

DeStefano, S. and R.M. DeGraaf. 2003. Exploring the ecology of suburban wildlife. Front Ecol. Environ. 1: 95-10.

Einum, S., Sundt-Hansen, L. and K.H. Nislow. 2006. The partitioning of density-dependent survival, growth, and dispersal through ontogeny in highly fecund organisms. Oikos In press

Einum, S. and K.H. Nislow. 2005. Local-scale density dependent survival of mobile organisms in continuous habitats: an experimental test using Atlantic salmon. Oecologia 143: 203-210.

Fuller, T.K., E.C. York, S.M. Powell, T.A. Decker, and R.M. DeGraaf. 2001. An evaluation of territory mappng to estimate fisher density. Can. J. Zool. 79: 1691-1696.

Griesemer, S.J., T.K. Fuller, and R.M. DeGraaf. 1998. Habitat use by porcupines (Erethizon dorsatum) in western Massachusetts: Effects of topography and forest composition. American Midland Naturalist 140: 271-279.

Kennedy, B.P., Klaue A., Blum, J.D., Folt, C.L., and K.H. Nislow. 2002. Reconstructing the lives of salmon using Sr isotopes. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 59: 925-929.

King, D.I., R.M. DeGraaf, M.L. Smith, and J. Buonaccorsi. 2006. Habitat Selection and Habitat-Specific Survival of Fledgling Ovenbirds. Journal of Zoology 269:414-421.

King, D. I. and R. M. DeGraaf. 2004. Effects of group-selection opening size on the distribution and reproductive success of an early-successional shrubland bird. Forest Ecology and Management 190:179-185.

King, D.I. and B.E. Byers. 2002. An evaluation of powerline rights-of-way as habitat for early-successional shrubland birds. Wildlife Society Bulletin 30: 868-874.

King, D.I. and R.M. DeGraaf. 2002. The effect of forest roads on the reproductive success of forest passerine birds. Forest Science 48: 391-396.

King, D.I., R.M. DeGraaf, and C.R. Griffin. 2001. Productivity of early successional shrubland birds in clearcuts and groupcuts in an eastern deciduous forest. Journal of Wildlife Management 65: 345-350.

King, D.I. and R.M. DeGraaf. 2000. Bird species diversity and nesting success in mature, clearcut and shelterwood forest in northern New Hampshire, USA. Forest Ecology and Management 129: 227-235.

King, D.I. and R.M. DeGraaf. 1999. Silvicultural options for managing birds in northern hardwoods forests in extensively forested landscapes. Bird Observer 27: 232-240.

King, D.I., R.M. DeGraaf, C.R. Griffin, and T.J. Maier. 1999. Do predation rates on artificial nests accurately reflect predation rates on natural bird nests? Journal of Field Ornithology 70: 257-262.

King, D.I., R.M. DeGraaf, and C.R. Griffin. 1998. Edge-related nest predation in clearcut and groupcut stands. Conservation Biology 12: 1412-1415.

King, D.I., C.R. Griffin, and R.M. DeGraaf. 1997. Effect of clearcut borders on distribution and abundance of forest birds in northern New Hampshire. Wilson Bulletin 109: 239-245.

King, D.I., C.R. Griffin, and R.M. DeGraaf. 1996. Effect of clearcutting on habitat use and reproductive success of the Ovenbird in forested landscapes. Conservation Biology 10: 1380-1386

Kluza, D.A., C.R. Griffin, and R.M. DeGraaf. 2000. Housing developments in rural New England: effects on forest birds. Animal Conservation 3: 15-26.

Letcher, B.H., T. Dubreuil, M. O'Donnell, M. Obedzinski, and K.H. Nislow. 2004. Long-term consequences of variation in timing and manner of fry introduction for juvenile Atlantic salmon growth, survival, and life-history expression. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 61: 2288-2301.

Lowe, W.H., Nislow, K.H. and Likens, G.E. 2005. Forest structure and stream
salamander diets: Implications for terrestrial-aquatic connectivity. Proceedings of the International Association of Theoretical and Applied Limnology 29: 279 - 286.

Lowe, W., Nislow, K.H. and D.T. Bolger. 2004. Stage-specific effects of sedimentation and trout on the abundance of a headwater stream salamander. Ecological Applications 14:164-172.

Magilligan, F.J., Nislow, K.H., and Graber, B. 2003. A scale-independent assessment of discharge reduction and riparian dis-connectivity following flow regulation by dams. Geology

Maier, T.J. and K.L. Doyle. 2006. Aggregations of masked shrews (Sorex cinereus): density-related mating behavior? Mammalia 70 (in press).

Maier, T.J. 2005. Predatory behaviors of Blarina brevicauda toward a fossorial eastern spadefoot toad (Scaphiopus holbrookii). In: Advances in the Biology of Shrews II; eds., J.F. Merritt, S. Churchfield, R. Hutterer, and B.A. Sheftel. Special Publication No. 01, International Society of Shrew Biologists.

Maier, T.J. 2002. Long-distance movements by female white-footed mice, Peromyscus leucopus, in extensive mixed-forest. Canadian Field-Naturalist 116: 108-111.

Maier, T.J., M.N. Marchand, R.M. DeGraaf, and J.A. Litvaitis. 2002. A subterranean camera trigger for identifying predators excavating turtle nests. Herpetological Review 33: 284-287.

Marchand, M.N., J.A. Litvaitis, T.J. Maier, and R.M. DeGraaf. 2002. Use of artificial nests to investigate predation on freshwater turtle nests. Wildlife Society Bulletin 30: 1092-1098.

Maier, T.J. and R.M. DeGraaf. 2001. Differences in depredation by small predators limit the use of plasticine and Zebra Finch eggs in artificial-nest studies. Condor 103: 180-183.

Maier, T.J. and R.M. DeGraaf. 2000. Predation on Japanese Quail vs. House Sparrow eggs in artificial nests: Small eggs reveal small predators. Condor 102: 325-332.

Maier, T.J. and R.M. DeGraaf. 2000. Rhodamine-injected eggs to photographically identify small nest predators. J. Field Ornithology 71: 694-701.

Nislow, K.H. and D.I. King. 2006. Transition from maternal dependence: a crunch time in vertebrate life-histories? Journal of Zoology 269:401-402.

Nislow, K.H. and W.H. Lowe. 2006. Influence of logging history and riparian forest characteristics on macroinvertebrates and brook trout. Freshwater Biology 51: 388-397.

Nislow, K.H. 2005. Forest change and stream fish habitat: lessons from 'Olde' and New England. Journal of Fish Biology 67: 186-204.

Nislow, K.H., J.D. Armstrong, and S. McKelvey. 2004. Transport of phosphorus by migratory Atlantic salmon: the role of management and demography. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 61:2401-2410.

Nislow, K.H., Sepulveda, A. and C.L. Folt. 2004. Linking hydrologic regime mechanistically to summer growth of age-0 Atlantic salmon. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 133:79-88.

Nislow, K.H. and W. Lowe. 2003. Influences of logging history and stream pH on brook trout populations in New Hampshire. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 132: 166-171.

Nislow, K.H., Magilligan, F.J., Fassnacht, H., Bechtel, D. and A. Ruesink. 2002. Effects of hydrologic alteration on the flood regime of natural floodplain communities in the Upper Connecticut River basin. Journal of the American Water Resources Association 38: 1533-1548.

Perry, N.D., D.T. Stewart, E.M. Madden, and T.J. Maier. 2004. New records for the Arctic Shrew, Sorex arcticus and the newly recognized Maritime Shrew S. maritimensis.. Canadian Field-Naturalist 118:400-404.

Rappole, J.H., D.I. King, and J. Diez. 2003. Winter Versus Breeding Habitat Limitation for an Endangered Avian Migrant. Ecological Applications 13: 735-742.

Rappole, J.H., D.I. King, and J.H. Vega Rivera. 2003. Coffee and conservation III. Reply to Philpott and Dietsch. Conservation Biology 17:1847-49.

Rappole, J.H., D.I. King, and J.H. Vega Rivera. 2003. Coffee and conservation. Conservation Biology 17: 334-336.

Rappole, J.H., D.I. King, and P. Leimgruber. 2000. Winter habitat and distribution of the endangered Golden-cheeked Warbler (Dendroica chrysoparia). Animal Conservation 2: 45-59.

Rappole, J.H., D.I. King, and W.C. Barrow. 1999. Winter ecology of the endangered Golden-cheeked Warber (Dendroica chrysoparia) Condor 101: 762-770.

Sotiropoulos, J., Nislow, K.H. and M.R. Ross. 2006. Brook trout microhabitat selection and diet under low summer stream flows. Fisheries Management and Ecology 13: 149-155.

Stokes, A.E., B.B. Schultz, R.M. DeGraaf, and C.R. Griffin. 2000. Setting mist nets from platforms in the forest canopy. Journal of Field Ornithology 71: 57-65.

Thompson, III. F.R. and R.M. DeGraaf. 2001. Conservation approaches for woody, early successional communities in the eastern United States. Wildlife Society Bulletin 29: 483-494.

Thompson, III. F.R., R.M. DeGraaf, and M.K. Trani (associate eds.). 2001. Conservation of woody, early succesional habitats and wildlife in the eastern United States. Wildlife Society Bulletin 29: 407-494. Special coverage issue.

Thompson, III. F.R., T.M. Donovan, R.M. DeGraaf, J. Faaborg, and S.K. Robinson. 2002. A multi-scale perspective of the effects of forest fragmentation on birds in eastern forests. Pages 8-9 in: Effects of habitat fragments on birds in western landscapes: Contrasts with paradigms from the Eastern U.S. Studies Avian Biology No. 2.

Trani, M. K., R.T. Brooks, T.L. Schmidt, V.A. Rudis, and C.M. Gabbard. 2001. Patterns and trends of early-successional forests in the eastern United States. Wildlife Society Bulletin 29(2):413-424.

Vander Haegen, W.M. and R.M. DeGraaf. 2002. Daily energy expenditure of ovenbirds (Seiurus urocapillus) feeding nestlings. The Auk 119: 1173-1179.

Waldien, D.L., M.M. Cooley, J. Weikel, J.P. Hayes, C.C. Maguire, T. Manning, and T.J. Maier. 2004. Incidental captures of birds in small mammal traps: A cautionary note for interdisciplinary studies. Wildlife Society Bulletin 32:1260-1268.

York, E.C., T.L. Moruzzi, T.K. Fuller, J.F. Organ, R.M. Sauvajot, and R.M. DeGraaf. 2001. Description and evaluation of a remote camera and triggering system to monitor carnivores. Wildlife Society Bulletin 29: 1228-1237.




Bradford, M., Higgins, P., Nislow, K.H., Anders, P., Rabeni, C. and C. Tate. 2001. Final Report of the Aquatic Monitoring Program Evaluation Panel. Grand Canyon Monitoring and Research Center, US Geological Survey, Flagstaff, AZ

DeGraaf, R.M., M. Yamasaki, W.B. Leak, and J.W. Lanier. 1992. New England Wildlife: management of forested habitat. Gen. Tech. Rep. NE-144. Radnor, PA: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Northeastern Forest Experiment Station. 271pp.

Folt, C.L., Nislow, K.H., Kennedy, B.P., Blum, J.D., and C.P. Chamberlain. 2002. Atlantic salmon restoration in New England: assessing habitat viability using stable isotope analysis, genetic marking, and field evaluation. Final Report. National Marine Fisheries Service Gloucester, MA

Short, H.L., J.B. Hestbeck, and R.M. DeGraaf. 2001. New England wildlife: A model for ecosystem management--ECOSEARCH. Gen. Tech. Rep. NE-283. CD Rom.

Griffin, C.R. and D.I. King. 1998. Bird habitats of Chincoteague NWR: Evaluation of the TNC vegetation classification for mapping bird distributions. Final Report to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Division of Refuges, Arlington, VA.

King, D.I. 2002. Landscape- and site-level characteristics influencing the distribution and reproductive success of early successional shrubland birds nesting in powerline rights-of-way. An Interim Report to Northeast Utilities Foundation.

King, D.I., and J.H. Rappole. 2000. Population trends for migrant birds in North America: A summary and critique. Final report to Defenders of Wildlife, Washington D.C.

Yamasaki, M., R.M. DeGraaf, and J.W. Lanier. 2000. Wildlife habitat associations in eastern hemlock - birds, smaller mammals and forest carnivores. In: McManus, K.A.; Shielfd, K.S.; Souto, D.R., eds. Proceedings: Symposium on sustainable management of hemlock ecosystems in eastern North America; 1999 June 22-24; Durham, NH. Gen. Tech. Rep. NE-267. Newtown square, PA: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Northeastern Research Station: 135-143.



DeGraaf, R.M., M. Yamasaki, W.B. Leak, and A.M. Lester. 2007. Forest Wildlife Habitat Management in New England. Lebanon, NH: University Press of New England. 305 pp.

DeGraaf, R.M. and P. Sendak. 2006. Native and Naturalized Trees of New England and Adjacent Canada. Lebanon, NH: University Press of New England. 256 pp.

DeGraaf, R.M., M. Yamasaki, W.B. Leak, and A.M. Lester. 2005. Landowner's guide to wildlife habitat: forest management for the New England region. Lebanon, NH: University Press of New England. 111 pp.

DeGraaf, R.M. 2002. Trees, shrubs, and vines for attracting birds. Hanover, New Hampshire: University Press of New England. 184pp.

DeGraaf, R.M. 1991. Breeding bird assemblages in managed northern hardwood forests in New England. Chapter 8. In: Rodiek, J.E., and Bolen, E.G.; eds. Wildlife and habitats in managed landscapes. Washington, D.c.: Island press: 153-171.

DeGraaf, R.M., and R.I. Miller. 1996. Conservation of faunal diversity in forested landscapes. London, UK: Chapman and Hall. 633pp.

DeGraaf, R.M., and J.H. Rappole. 1995. Neotropical migratory birds: Natural history, distribution, and population change. Cornell University Press, Ithaca, NY. 975pp.

DeGraaf, R.M., and M. Yamasaki. 2001. New England wildlife: Habitat, natural history and distribution. Hanover, NH: University Press of New England. 482pp.

DeGraaf, R.M., and M. Yamasaki. 2000. Bird and mammal habitat in riparian areas. Chapter 8 In: Verry, E.S.; Hornbeck, J.W.; Dolloff, C.A., comps., eds. Riparian management in forests of the continental eastern United States. Washington, D.C.: Lewis Publishers: 139-156.

Yamasaki, M., T.M. McLellan, R.M. DeGraaf, and C.A. Costello. 2000. Effects of land-use and mangement practices on the presence of brown-headed cowbirds in the White Mountains of New Hampshire and Maine. In: Smith, J.N.M; Cook, T.L.; Rothstein, S.I.; Robinson, S.K.; Sealy, S.G., comps. eds. Ecology and management of cowbirds and their hosts. Austin, TX: University of Texas Press: 311-319.



Maier, T.J. 2003. An assessment of the trapping web for the density estimation of small mammals. Amherst, MA: University of Massachusetts. 106 pp. M.S. thesis.

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