Pacific Southwest Region

R5 Home » R5 Fire & Aviation » Fire Management

Fire Management provide the public and the wildland fire community with information on various fire management program activities. This page includes elements pertaining to fuels and fire ecology, fire use, firefighter training, safety, technology, terminology, and other wildland fire information.

  • Pacific Southwest Region's Fire and Aviation Management Strategic Plan »
    Planning document for the Pacific Southwest Region 5, Fire and Aviation Management to operate as Wildland Fire and Aviation Management Leaders, while safely sustaining, protecting and restoring ecosystems.
  • Safety »
    Information to promote the safety and welfare of all firefighting personnel.
  • Smokejumpers »
    Region 5 Smokejumpers assist in the protection and management of national forests and grasslands by providing highly trained, fully equipped, and self-sufficient wildland firefighters.
  • Solicitations & Contracts »
    This unit is responsible for contracting the "National Shared Resources" utilized for wildland fire suppression and prevention, as well as other emergency incident response activities.
  • Technology Transfer »
    Links to tools, applications, and programs useful for Fire Management support and planning.
  • Training »
    Information regarding Regional and National Fire and Aviation training.
  • Wildland Fire Terminology

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USDA logo which links to the department's national site. Forest Service logo which links to the agency's national site.