Fires In Alaska and Northern Canada

  • Credit

    <P> Data provided by the USGS EROS Data Center Satellite Systems Branch.</P> <P> <IMG SRC="/Newsroom/NewImages/Images/usgs_logo.gif" WIDTH=167 HEIGHT=62 HSPACE=0 VSPACE=0 BORDER=0> </P>

In Alaska, the landscape is already changing over to its fall wardrobe, with summer’s green being traded for brown and gold. Fires, some of which have been burning since before the beginning of summer, were still smoldering on September 7, 2004.

In east-central Alaska, the Pingo Fire was scorching hundreds of thousands of acres north of the Yukon River in early July 2004. This detailed image of the fire on June 24, 2004, shows burned areas as red, unburned vegetation as bright green, and smoke as blue. At the margins of the burned areas, actively burning portions of the fire appear bright pink.

This image was acquired by Landsat 7’s Enhanced Thematic Mapper plus (ETM+) sensor on June 26, 2004. This is a false-color composite image made using shortwave infrared, near infrared, and green wavelengths (ETM+ bands 7, 4, & 2).


  • Sensor

    Landsat 7/ETM+
  • Start Date

  • Event Start Date

  • NH Image ID

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