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June 2004


Lamar Canyon
Black Bear
Velvet-Antlered Elk
VC Demolition
Cliff Swallows
Bison Calf Frolic


Great Horned Owlets




This Month in Yellowstone
Lamar River Canyon - June 11

Jim Peaco (Park Photographer) was told that we would be short on video this month because the Web Office staff had duties that prevented them from shooting as much as they would like. Jim took the word to heart and on June 11 he spent the evening shooting video for this feature.

He left his home in Cooke City at about 5 p.m. About a half hour later as he was passing the Lamar River Canyon he noticed, as he often did in the Spring, the roar of the water below. Today he was not in a rush to get to or from work. He was merely out there looking for fun video to shoot. The loud roar told him he would see a powerful scene if he hiked down into the little the canyon to the waters’ edge. Jim said “In flood years, it’s kind-of scary, all that water pounding the rocks so powerfully.” The following video shows scenes of the Lamar River from various vantage points as Jim hikes slowly down to the water.

The high water of late spring rushes through the Lamar River Canyon


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