Geopubs—Online Publications of the Western United States

Geologic Maps of Western States

Digital Geologic Map of Arizona: A Digital Database Derived from the 1983 Printing of the Wilson, Moore, and Cooper 1:500,000-scale Map

By Douglas M. Hirschberg and G. Stephen Pitts

Digital Geologic Map of California

California Geological Survey, 1:750,000 scale

Available from the California Geological Survey

Digital representation of the Idaho state geologic map: a contribution to the Interior Columbia Basin Ecosystem Management Project

by Bruce R. Johnson and Gary L. Raines

USGS Open-File Report 95-690

Spatial Digital Database for the Geologic Map of Nevada

Geology compiled by John H. Stewart and John E. Carlson, 1978, 1:500,000 scale

Spatial database by Gary L. Raines, Katherine A. Connors1, Lorre A. Moyer, and Robert J. Miller

Spatial Digital Database for the Geologic Map of Oregon

Geology compiled by G.W. walker and N.S. MacLeod, 1991, 1:500,000 scale

Spatial database by Robert J. Miller, Gary L. Raines, and Katherine A. Connors

Digital Geologic map of Utah

Available from the Utah Geological Survey

Digital representation of the Washington state geologic map: A contribution to the Interior Columbia Basin Ecosystem Management Project

USGS Open-File Report 95-684

By Gary L. Raines and Bruce R. Johnson

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