GLOBE Standards and Curriculm Integration

You have selected Texas as your state and GMO as your grade level.

To continue, select standards to see which GLOBE concepts and tasks satisfy them:

Standards for Texas, grade GMO:
GMO.10a Characteristics of a Local Watershed
GMO.10b Impact of Floods, Droughts, Irrigation, and Industrialization on a Watershed
GMO.10c Surface and Subsurface Water
GMO.11a Physical Characteristics of Ocean Water
GMO.11b Tides, Tidal Bores, and Tsunamis
GMO.11c Topography of the Ocean Floor and Continents
GMO.12a Composition of the Atmosphere
GMO.12b Range of Atmospheric Conditions Organisms Will Tolerate
GMO.12c Impact of Natural Events and Human Activity on the Atmosphere
GMO.13a Transfer of Heat Energy
GMO.13b Climatic Zones
GMO.1a Safe Practices
GMO.1b Conservation of Resources
GMO.2a Plan and Conduct Investigations
GMO.2b Collect Data by Observing and Measuring
GMO.2c Organize, Analyze, Make Inferences, and Predict Trends
GMO.2d Communicating Valid Conclusions
GMO.3a Analyze, Review, and Critique
GMO.3b Draw Inferences
GMO.3c Evaluate Research
GMO.3d Making Connections
GMO.3e History of Geology, Meteorology, and Oceanography
GMO.4a Earth's Unique Placement in the Solar System
GMO.4b Conditions on Earth that Enable Organisms to Survive
GMO.5a Scientific Theories of the Earth's Formation
GMO.5b Design and Construct a Geologic Time Scale
GMO.6a Theories of Plate Tectonics
GMO.6b Movement of Continental and Oceanic Plates and Effects of this Movement
GMO.6c Methods of Tracking Continental and Oceanic Plates
GMO.7a Density, Hardness, Streak, and Cleavage
GMO.7b Common Minerals and Economic Significance
GMO.7c Rocks and their Formation During the Rock Cycle
GMO.7d Depth of Formation, Rate of Cooling, and Mineral Composition
GMO.8a Chemical and Mechanical Weathering
GMO.8b Geologic Formations Resulting From Different Weathering Processes
GMO.8c Role of Weathering in Soil Formation
GMO.9a Origin of Fossil Fuels
GMO.9b Renewable, Non-renewable, and Inexhaustible Resources
GMO.9c Significance and Economic Impact of Fossil Fuels and Alternative Energy Sources

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