Fourth Meeting (September 5, 2006)

   Current Section

Conference Call

September 5, 2006



David Long, Chairman Seth Norman
Kim Dude Michael Pimentel
Frederick E. Ellis Hope Taft
Montean Jackson Deborah A. Price
Russell T. Jones Dennis Romero
Sheppard Kellam Belinda E. Sims
Tommy Ledbetter Howell Wechsler

Designated Federal Official:
Catherine Davis

Also Present:
Donnie LeBoeuf, representing J. Robert Flores of the OJJDP

Members not Present:
J. Robert Flores
Ralph Hingson
Susan Keys
Mary Ann Solberg


  • Roll Call
  • Review of Agenda
  • State Grants Program
  • Discussion on October 23-24 meeting

Meeting Summary:

Meeting was held by conference call and an additional call in number was provided for the public to listen to the meeting/conference call.

General Business:

Roll Call of Members was taken at 2:25 on September 5, 2006. Following a Roll Call the meeting was called to order by David Long, Chairman of the Committee.

Chairman Long confirmed that the next meeting of the Committee would be on Monday, October 23 and Tuesday, October 24. He also confirmed that the topic of discussion would be the unsafe choice/option and persistently dangerous schools. The meeting will be held at the Department of Education, 400 Maryland Avenue, SW , Washington DC .

The Committee discussed the process for identifying the issues and perspectives to be addressed by particular focus group participants. After a brief discussion, the members agreed that suggestions for panelists should be sent to Ms. Catherine Davis by October 15 – a deadline that may be extended if members determine that they are unable to produce their suggestions by that time.

Preliminary Report to Secretary Margaret Spellings:

Chairman Long discussed the draft of the preliminary report to be submitted to the Secretary that was distributed to the members for review and refers the members to the summary and bullet points on page 2. Chairman Long asked the members to remember that this is a preliminary report and as such will remain in skeletal form until the Committee is able to gather additional information.

The Committee began to discuss the four main points outlined in the report: safety, funding, research, and evaluation. Chairman Long began the discussion by addressing the need to define "safety." After a lengthy discussion, members agreed that "Drug-free" should be incorporated into the definition of safety.

The Committee also determined that improved coordination of the various federal resources; i.e. the Department of Homeland Security and the Federal Emergency Management Agency, is necessary for the continued funding of programs. Within the discussion of funding, members discussed the importance of monitoring grantees as well as ways in which funds can be supplemented through outside sources.

Mr. Kellam then addressed the role of the NCLB assessment and statewide assessment systems and their importance as it relates to determining high-risk areas. The Committee discussed the need for assessment systems to be incorporated into research and evaluation. The Committee also discussed unique ways in which researchers could track progress without violating privacy rights and agreed to address the issue at a later date.

Mr. Kellam and Ms. Price mentioned that the Helping America's Youth (HAY) website is a good example of a tool for communities that provides an avenue of collaboration in research and recommend that it be added to the report.

Chairman Long then requested that members submit any further recommendations to Ms. Davis within the next 24 to 36 hours.

Ms. Taft addressed the need to consolidate efforts at the local and federal level in order to provide a clear and concise message to those who are attempting to implement the policies discussed.

Chairman Long reminded the panel to send panelist suggestions for the October 23-24 meeting to Ms. Davis.

Ms. Taft asked whether or not there would be one panel or multiple panels at the October 23-24 meeting. Chairman Long stated that it would be a series of panels, the exact number of which would be determined by the names that are put forth and the subject matters at hand.

Chairman Long adjourned the meeting at 3:35 EST.

Minutes read and approved by:


______ signature on file _________ ____________
David Long, Chairman Date

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Last Modified: 10/16/2006