Agenda - Washington DC (February 20-21, 2007)
Safe and Drug Free Schools and Communities Advisory Committee

   Current Section

Advisory Committee Meeting Agenda
Barnard Auditorium
400 Maryland Avenue, SW
Washington , DC 20202


Tuesday, February 20:  
8:30- 9:00 Breakfast and Registration
9:00- 9:05 Opening Statement and Announcements
9:05 - 9:35

Review of "Building on results: A Blueprint for Strengthening the "No Child Left Behind Act"

9:35- 9:40 Introduction of Data Panel
9:40- 10:40 Panelist Presentations
  • Mike Herrmann, Executive Director of the Office of School Health Safety and Learning Support, Tennessee Department of Education
  • Howell Wechsler, Director of Division of Adolescent and School Health , Centers for Disease Control
  • Doug Hall, Senior Vice President, PRIDE Surveys
  • Deborah Rudy, Office of Safe and Drug-Free Schools , U.S. Department of Education Joe McTighe, Executive Director of the Council for American Private Education
10:40 - 11:10

Questions & Answers: Committee to Panelists

11:10- 11:20 Break
12:20- 12:30 Discussion and Closing Remarks
12:30 Adjorn


Wednesday, February 21:


(in room 1W105/108)

8:00- 8:30 Breakfast
8:30- 8:40 Opening Statement
8:40- 9:15 Public Comment
9:15- 9:45

FERPA Presentation - LeRoy Rooker, Director of the Family Policy Compliance Office , U.S. Department of Education

10:00 Break
11:25 Discussion of Members
11:30 Closing Comments
11:30 Adjourn



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Last Modified: 02/28/2007