BUYUSA.GOV -- U.S. Commercial Service

Global Automotive Team

CAR Automotive Trade Mission: Shanghai Auto Show 2007

April 18 - 24, 2007

If you are a Michigan-based company selling into the automotive supply chain, you should participate in this opportunity!

The Center for Automotive Research (CAR), through its Global Marketing Alliance (GAMA) program, is pleased to present a trade mission to the Shanghai Auto Show for Michigan-based automotive suppliers interested in developing business opportunities in Asia - an opportunity offered in partnership with the U.S. Department of Commerce Automotive Team.


Benefits of Participation:

- Customized data on Asian companies
- Face-to-face meetings with companies of interest tailored for each participant (meeting space and  interpreters are provided)
- Pre-mission counseling by CAR and the U.S. Department of Commerce
- Market briefing prior to the show and one-on-one business counseling with US Dept. of Commerce Automotive Specialists in China
- Opportunity to meet delegations of foreign buyers from Asian markets led by U.S. Dept. of Commerce Commercial Specialists from their respective countries
- Business reception with companies of interest
- Optional booth space in the U.S. Pavilion or catalogue show organized by the U.S. Department of Commerce, for an additional charge.

Participation is limited to 15 companies.  Prompt response is requested. Contact Bernard Swiecki, Center for Automotive Research at (734) 929-0484

- A printable flyer for this mission is available by clicking HERE 

* Due to generous support of the GAMA program at CAR, sponsored by the Charles Stewart Mott Foundation, this program is offerd at no charge to qualified Michigan automotive suppliers.  Partcipating companies are only responsible for hotel, airfare, and incidental expenses.