BUYUSA.GOV -- U.S. Commercial Service

Global Automotive Team


This site provides American companies supplying automotive, truck, or motorycle-related parts, services, and manufacturing/testing equipment with up-to-date information to help your company succeed internationally. Our worldwide network of automotive specialists are dedicated to helping you export!

What's New! 

Trade Events 

Mexico presents a growing diversity of opportunities for U.S. exporters of auto parts and supplies. Join our Trade Mission to Mexico.  More.

Market Research

Government of São Paulo, Brazil to Invest $9 Billion in Public Transit. More

Trade Leads

(1) Bulgaria- Trucks, Trailers and Vessels (Sep 08)
(2) Australia- Sourcing product (Sep 08)

View all trade leads

Automotive Resource Guide
Find out in seconds in which market your product or service is likely to succeed with the aid of a new tool - the Automotive Resource Guide 2008.
Industry Trade Data
Schedule B Code - Chapter 87
Harmonized Tariff System - Chapter 87
Foreign Motor Vehicle Import Requirement

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