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Accessibility Page for Screen Reader Programs

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If you need a document on a DCCA web page and it can not be read by your screen reader program please use the “Submit improvement request/report site problems” option to request a text searchable version of the document. This document will be provided to you within 10 days.

General Layout of DCCA Pages

DCCA web pages are divided into 5 main sections. A main menu section on the left, a functional area menu on the right, content down the middle, a search window and helping hand link towards the top right, and finally a menu of standard items, such as email contact and disclaimers horizontally across the bottom of the page. The DCCA home page has two more sections: Headlines and a general description of DCCA’s services with a picture of the main building.

The main menu contains common links to all the functional areas of DCCA. On the main DCCA page the main menu links for “What’s new”, “News releases”, HRS, and HAR are the combined content of the content from the functional areas.

The Right Hand menu contains links that are specific to the functional areas.

When a link on the left or right is pressed the content in the center of the page changes. If a link on the right is pressed it may also changes the links on the right menu. DCCA has attempted to minimize the number of menu levels for the right hand links.

The search window provides a standard data entry box to search the DCCA web site along with a “Go” button. There is a standard link in this section to go to the Helping Hand page. The helping page provides help if a PDF document is not opening. It also provides information on areas thought to be DCCA’s jurisdiction, but are actually with someone else.

The standard section at the bottom of the page provides a link back to the DCCA home page, the terms of use and email contact link.

Page last modified 11-21-2005 10:07 AM