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  Details for June 2007

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Date June 2007
Topic General Medicare Program Information
Title The Medicare Medical Review Program
Format Brochure

Detail Page Information

ICN: 006346

Date: June 2007

Publication title: The Medicare Medical Review Program

Publication description: This brochure provides a general overview of the Medical Review (MR) Program to help Medicare Part B providers gain a better understanding of their role in the MR process. Topics covered include: What is MR?, the objectives of the MR program, What are National Coverage Determinations (NCDs) and Local Coverage Determinations (LCDs), the MR process, corrective action, and provider rights.

Publication size: 901KB

Publication format: Brochure

Topic: General Medicare Program Information

Other related publications:

The Medicare Medical Review Program [PDF 901KB]
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Last Modified Date : 12/15/2008
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