[Code of Federal Regulations]
[Title 30, Volume 1]
[Revised as of July 1, 2006]
From the U.S. Government Printing Office via GPO Access
[CITE: 30CFR100]

[Page 682-686]
                       TITLE 30--MINERAL RESOURCES
PENALTIES--Table of Contents
Sec.  100.3  Determination of penalty amount; regular assessment.

    (a) General.The operator of any mine in which a violation occurs of 
a mandatory health or safety standard or who violates any other 
provision of the Mine Act, shall be assessed a civil penalty of not more 
than $60,000. Each occurrence of a violation of a mandatory safety or 
health standard may constitute a separate offense. The amount of the 
civil penalty proposed shall be based upon the formula set forth in this 
section. The formula is based on the general criteria described in 
sections 105(b) and 110(i) of the Mine Act. These criteria are:
    (1) The appropriateness of the penalty to the size of the business 
of the operator charged;
    (2) The operator's history of previous violations;
    (3) Whether the operator was negligent;
    (4) The gravity of the violation;
    (5) The demonstrated good faith of the operator charged in 
attempting to achieve rapid compliance after notification of a 
violation; and
    (6) The effect of the penalty on the operator's ability to continue 
in business.

The penalty amount in a regular case shall be determined by first 
assigning the appropriate number of penalty points to the violation by 
using the appropriate criteria and tables set forth in this section. The 
number of penalty points assigned for all criteria will then be totaled, 
and the point accumulation converted into a dollar amount by using the 
penalty conversion table in paragraph (g) of this section. Where 
appropriate, this penalty amount will be adjusted for demonstrated good 
faith in accordance with Sec.  100.3(f).
    (b) The appropriateness of the penalty to the size of the operator's 
business. The appropriateness of the penalty to the size of the 
production operator's business is calculated by using both the size of 
the mine cited and the size of the controlling entity of which the

[[Page 683]]

mine is a part. This criterion may account for a maximum of 15 penalty 
points for production operators. The size of an independent contractor 
will be measured by the amount of hours worked in all mining activities 
and may account for a maximum of 10 penalty points. The size will be 
evaluated by selecting the appropriate number of penalty points from 
Tables I to V. As used in the Tables below, the terms ``annual tonnage'' 
and ``annual hours worked'' mean tonnage produced and hours worked in 
the previous calendar year, or, in the case of a mine opened or owned 
less than one full calendar year, the tonnage and hours worked prorated 
to an annual basis.

                       Table I--Size of Coal Mine
                    Annual tonnage of mine                       points
0 to 15,000...................................................         0
Over 15,000 to 30,000.........................................         1
Over 30,000 to 50,000.........................................         2
Over 50,000 to 100,000........................................         3
Over 100,000 to 200,000.......................................         4
Over 200,000 to 300,000.......................................         5
Over 300,000 to 500,000.......................................         6
Over 500,000 to 800,000.......................................         7
Over 800,000 to 1.1 million...................................         8
Over 1.1 to 2 million.........................................         9
Over 2 million................................................        10

             Table II--Size of Controlling Entity--Coal Mine
                        Annual tonnage                           points
0 to 100,000..................................................         0
Over 100,000 to 700,000.......................................         1
Over 700,000 to 1.5 million...................................         2
Over 1.5 million to 5 million.................................         3
Over 5 million to 10 million..................................         4
Over 10 million...............................................         5

                 Table III--Size of Metal/Nonmetal Mine
                  Annual hours worked at mine                    points
0 to 10,000...................................................         0
Over 10,000 to 20,000.........................................         1
Over 20,000 to 30,000.........................................         2
Over 30,000 to 60,000.........................................         3
Over 60,000 to 100,000........................................         4
Over 100,000 to 200,000.......................................         5
Over 200,000 to 300,000.......................................         6
Over 300,000 to 500,000.......................................         7
Over 500,000 to 700,000.......................................         8
Over 700,000 to 1 million.....................................         9
Over 1 million................................................        10

        Table IV--Size of Controlling Entity--Metal/Nonmetal Mine
                      Annual hours worked                        points
0 to 60,000...................................................         0
Over 60,000 to 400,000........................................         1
Over 400,000 to 900,000.......................................         2
Over 900,000 to 3 million.....................................         3
Over 3 million to 6 million...................................         4
Over 6 million................................................         5

                 Table V--Size of Independent Contractor
               Annual hours worked at all mines                  points
0 to 10,000...................................................         0
Over 10,000 to 20,000.........................................         1
Over 20,000 to 30,000.........................................         2
Over 30,000 to 60,000.........................................         3
Over 60,000 to 100,000........................................         4
Over 100,000 to 200,000.......................................         5
Over 200,000 to 300,000.......................................         6
Over 300,000 to 500,000.......................................         7
Over 500,000 to 700,000.......................................         8
Over 700,000 to 1 million.....................................         9
Over 1 million................................................        10

    (c) History of previous violations. Overall history is based on the 
number of assessed violations in a preceding 24-month period. Only 
violations that have been paid or finally adjudicated will be included 
in determining history. The history of previous violations may account 
for a maximum of 20 penalty points. For mine operators, the penalty 
points will be calculated on the basis of the average number of assessed 
violations per inspection day (VPID) (Table VI). For independent 
contractors, penalty points will be calculated on the basis of the 
average number of violations assessed per year at all mines (Table VII).

                        Table VI--Mine Operators
                 Violations per inspection day                   points
0 to 0.3......................................................         0
Over 0.3 to 0.5...............................................         2
Over 0.5 to 0.7...............................................         4
Over 0.7 to 0.9...............................................         6
Over 0.9 to 1.1...............................................         8
Over 1.1 to 1.3...............................................        10
Over 1.3 to 1.5...............................................        12
Over 1.5 to 1.7...............................................        14
Over 1.7 to 1.9...............................................        16
Over 1.9 to 2.1...............................................        18
Over 2.1......................................................        20

[[Page 684]]

                   Table VII--Independent Contractors
                     Number of violations                        points
1 to 5........................................................         0
6 to 10.......................................................         2
11 to 15......................................................         4
16 to 20......................................................         6
21 to 25......................................................         8
26 to 30......................................................        10
31 to 35......................................................        12
36 to 40......................................................        14
41 to 45......................................................        16
46 to 50......................................................        18
Over 50.......................................................        20

    (d) Negligence. Negligence is committed or omitted conduct which 
falls below a standard of care established under the Act to protect 
persons against the risks of harm. The standard of care established 
under the Act is that the operator of a mine owes a high degree of care 
to the miners. A mine operator is required to be on the alert for 
conditions and hazards in the mine which affect the safety or health of 
the employees and to take the steps necessary to correct or prevent such 
conditions or practices. For purposes of assessing a penalty under this 
part, failure to do so is negligence on the part of the operator. The 
negligence criterion gives appropriate consideration to the factors 
relating to an operator's failure to exercise a high degree of care to 
protect miners from safety or health hazards. When applying this 
criterion, MSHA considers actions taken by the operator to prevent or 
correct conditions or practices which caused or allowed the violation to 
exist. In determining the operator's diligence in protecting miners in 
any given hazard situation, due recognition is given to mitigating 
circumstances which explain the operator's conduct in minimizing or 
eliminating a hazardous condition. Mitigating circumstances may include, 
but are not limited to, actions which an operator has taken to prevent, 
correct, or limit exposure to mine hazards. This criterion may 
contribute a maximum of 25 penalty points, based on conduct evaluated 
according to Table VIII.

                         Table VIII--Negligence
                          Categories                             points
No negligence.................................................         0
  (The operator exercised diligence and could not have known
   of the violative condition or practice.)
Low negligence................................................        10
  (The operator knew or should have known of the violative
   condition or practice, but there are considerable
   mitigating circumstances.)
Moderate negligence...........................................        15
  (The operator knew or should have known of the violative
   condition or practice, but there are mitigating
High negligence...............................................        20
  (The operator knew or should have known of the violative
   condition or practice, and there are no mitigating
Reckless disregard............................................        25
  (The operator displayed conduct which exhibits the absence
   of the slightest degree of care.)

    (e) Gravity. Gravity is an evaluation of the seriousness of the 
violation as measured by the likelihood of the occurrence of the event 
against which a standard is directed, the severity of the illness or 
injury if the event occurred or were to occur, and the number of persons 
potentially affected if the event occurred or were to occur. This 
criterion may contribute a maximum of 30 penalty points, with up to 10 
points derived from each of the following tables (Tables IX to XI):

                          Table IX--Likelihood
                   Likelihood of occurrence                      points
No likelihood.................................................         0
Unlikely......................................................         2
Reasonably likely.............................................         5
Highly likely.................................................         7
Occurred......................................................        10

                            Table X--Severity
Severity of injury or illness if the event occurred or were to   Penalty
                             occur                               points
No lost work days.............................................         0
  (All occupational injuries and illnesses as defined in 30
   CFR part 50 except those listed below.)
Lost work days or restricted duty.............................         3
  (Any injury or illness which would cause the injured or ill
   person to lose one full day of work or more after the day
   of the injury or illness, or which would cause one full day
   or more of restricted duty.)
Permanently disabling.........................................         7
  (Any injury or illness which would be likely to result in
   the total or partial loss of the use of any member or
   function of the body.)
Fatal.........................................................        10

[[Page 685]]

  (Any work-related injury or illness resulting in death, or
   which has a reasonable potential to cause death.)

                 Table XI--Persons Potentially Affected
 Number of persons potentially affected if the event occurred    Penalty
                       or were to occur                          points
0.............................................................         0
1.............................................................         1
2.............................................................         2
3.............................................................         4
4 to 5........................................................         6
6 to 9........................................................         8
More than 9...................................................        10

    (f) Demonstrated good faith of the operator in abating the 
violation. This criterion provides a 30% reduction in the penalty amount 
of a regular assessment where the operator abates the violation in the 
time set by the inspector. Where the operator does not abate within the 
time set by the inspector, 10 penalty points will be assigned.
    (g) Penalty conversion table. The following penalty conversion table 
shall be used to convert the accumulation of penalty points to the 
appropriate proposed monetary assessment.

                        Penalty Conversion Table
                         Points                             Penalty ($)
20 or fewer.............................................              72
21......................................................              80
22......................................................              87
23......................................................              94
24......................................................             101
25......................................................             109
26......................................................             120
27......................................................             131
28......................................................             142
29......................................................             153
30......................................................             164
31......................................................             178
32......................................................             193
33......................................................             207
34......................................................             221
35......................................................             237
36......................................................             254
37......................................................             273
38......................................................             291
39......................................................             310
40......................................................             327
41......................................................             354
42......................................................             383
43......................................................             409
44......................................................             437
45......................................................             463
46......................................................             500
47......................................................             536
48......................................................             629
49......................................................             749
50......................................................             878
51......................................................           1,033
52......................................................           1,198
53......................................................           1,376
54......................................................           1,566
55......................................................           1,769
56......................................................           2,003
57......................................................           2,252
58......................................................           2,515
59......................................................           2,793
60......................................................           3,086
61......................................................           3,419
62......................................................           3,770
63......................................................           4,137
64......................................................           4,521
65......................................................           4,856
66......................................................           5,099
67......................................................           5,342
68......................................................           5,585
69......................................................           5,828
70......................................................           6,071
71......................................................           6,374
72......................................................           6,678
73......................................................           6,981
74......................................................           7,285
75......................................................           7,588
76......................................................           7,892
77......................................................           8,499
78......................................................           9,106
79......................................................           9,713
80......................................................          10,321
81......................................................          11,535
82......................................................          12,749
83......................................................          13,963
84......................................................          15,177
85......................................................          16,392
86......................................................          18,213
87......................................................          20,642
88......................................................          23,070
89......................................................          25,498
90......................................................          27,927
91......................................................          30,355
92......................................................          33,391
93......................................................          36,427
94......................................................          39,462
95......................................................          42,498
96......................................................          45,533
97......................................................          48,569
98......................................................          51,605
99......................................................          54,640
100.....................................................          60,000

    (h) The effect on the operator's ability to continue in business. It 
is initially presumed that the operator's ability to continue in 
business will not be affected by the assessment of a civil penalty. The 
operator may submit information to the District Manager concerning the 
business financial status to show that payment of the penalty will 
affect the operator's ability to continue in business. If the 
information provided by the operator indicates that the penalty will 
adversely affect the

[[Page 686]]

ability to continue in business the penalty may be adjusted.

[47 FR 22294, May 21, 1982, as amended at 57 FR 2970, Jan. 24, 1992; 57 
FR 60697, Dec. 21, 1992; 63 FR 20035, Apr. 22, 1998; 68 FR 6613, Feb. 
10, 2003]