[Code of Federal Regulations]

[Title 30, Volume 1]

[Revised as of July 1, 2006]

From the U.S. Government Printing Office via GPO Access

[CITE: 30CFR46.3]

[Page 211-212]


                       TITLE 30--MINERAL RESOURCES








Sec.  46.3  Training plans.

    (a) You must develop and implement a written plan, approved by us 

under either paragraph (b) or (c) of this section, that contains 

effective programs for training new miners and newly hired experienced 

miners, training miners for new tasks, annual refresher training, and 

site-specific hazard awareness training.

    (b) A training plan is considered approved by us if it contains, at 

a minimum, the following information:

    (1) The name of the production-operator or independent contractor, 

mine name(s), and MSHA mine identification number(s) or independent 

contractor identification number(s);

    (2) The name and position of the person designated by you who is 

responsible for the health and safety training at the mine. This person 

may be the production-operator or independent contractor;

    (3) A general description of the teaching methods and the course 

materials that are to be used in the training program, including the 

subject areas to be covered and the approximate time or range of time to 

be spent on each subject area.

    (4) A list of the persons and/or organizations who will provide the 

training, and the subject areas in which each person and/or organization 

is competent to instruct; and

    (5) The evaluation procedures used to determine the effectiveness of 


    (c) A plan that does not include the minimum information specified 

in paragraphs (b)(1) through (b)(5) of this section must be submitted to 

and approved by the Regional Manager, Educational Field Services 

Division, or designee, for the region in which the mine is located. You 

also may voluntarily submit a plan for Regional Manager approval. You 

must notify miners or their representatives when you submit a plan for 

Regional Manager approval. Within two weeks of receipt or posting of the 

plan, miners and their representatives may also request review and 

approval of the plan by the Regional Manager and must notify the 

production-operator or independent contractor of such request.

    (d) You must provide the miners' representative, if any, with a copy 

of the plan at least 2 weeks before the plan is implemented or, if you 

request MSHA approval of your plan, at least two weeks before you submit 

the plan to the Regional Manager for approval. At

[[Page 212]]

mines where no miners' representative has been designated, you must post 

a copy of the plan at the mine or provide a copy to each miner at least 

2 weeks before you implement the plan or submit it to the Regional 

Manager for approval.

    (e) Within 2 weeks following the receipt or posting of the training 

plan under paragraph (d) of this section, miners or their 

representatives may submit written comments on the plan to you, or to 

the Regional Manager, as appropriate.

    (f) The Regional Manager must notify you and miners or their 

representatives in writing of the approval, or status of the approval, 

of the training plan within 30 calendar days of the date we received the 

training plan for approval, or within 30 calendar days of the date we 

received the request by a miner or miners' representative that we 

approve your plan.

    (g) You must provide the miners' representative, if any, with a copy 

of the approved plan within one week after approval. At mines where no 

miners' representative has been designated, you must post a copy of the 

plan at the mine or provide a copy to each miner within one week after 


    (h) If you, miners, or miners' representatives wish to appeal a 

decision of the Regional Manager, you must send the appeal, in writing, 

to the Director for Educational Policy and Development, MSHA, 1100 

Wilson Blvd., Room 2100, Arlington, Virginia 22209-3939, within 30 

calendar days after notification of the Regional Manager's decision. The 

Director will issue a final decision of the Agency within 30 calendar 

days after receipt of the appeal.

    (i) You must make available at the mine a copy of the current 

training plan for inspection by us and for examination by miners and 

their representatives. If the training plan is not maintained at the 

mine, you must have the capability to provide the plan within one 

business day upon request by us, miners, or their representatives.

    (j) You must comply with the procedures for plan approval under this 

section whenever the plan undergoes revisions.

    (k) The addresses for the EFS Regional Managers are as follows. 

Current information on the EFS organization is available on MSHA's 

Internet Home Page at http://www.msha.gov.

                        Eastern Regional Manager

Educational Field Services, National Mine Health and Safety Academy, 

1301 Airport Road, Beaver, WV 25813-9426, Telephone: (304) 256-3223, 

FAX: (304) 256-3319, E-mail: EFS--EAST@MSHA.GOV

                        Western Regional Manager

Educational Field Services, P.O. Box 25367, Denver, CO 80225-0367, 

Telephone: (303) 231-5434, FAX: (304) 231-5474, E-mail: EFS--


[64 FR 53130, Sept. 30, 1999, as amended at 67 FR 38384, June 4, 2002]