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  Details for August 2007

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Date August 2007
Topic Medicare Preventive Services
Title Cancer Screenings
Format Brochure

Detail Page Information

ICN: 006434

Date: August 2007

Publication title: Cancer Screenings

Publication description: This tri-fold brochure provides a basic overview of Medicare's mammography screening, screening Pap test, pelvic screening examination, colorectal cancer screening, and prostate cancer screening benefits.

Publication size: 233KB

Publication format: Brochure

Topic: Medicare Preventive Services

Other related publications:

  • Brochures: Adult Immunizations, Bone Mass Measurements, Expanded Benefits, Glaucoma Screenings
  • The Guide to Medicare Preventive Services for Physicians, Providers, Suppliers, and Other Health Care Professionals
  • Quick Reference Information: Medicare Preventive Services

Cancer Screening [PDF 792KB]
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Last Modified Date : 11/24/2008
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