[Code of Federal Regulations]

[Title 30, Volume 1]

[Revised as of July 1, 2006]

From the U.S. Government Printing Office via GPO Access

[CITE: 30CFR22.7]

[Page 142-143]


                       TITLE 30--MINERAL RESOURCES






Sec.  22.7  Specific requirements.

    (a) Design. In the determination of adequacy of design, the 

following points will be considered: (1) Materials used, (2) 

construction, (3) accuracy, (4) size and shape, (5) range of detection 

(or indication), (6) life of the active parts, and (7) attention 

required. The suitability of the materials and the construction shall be 

determined by preliminary inspection, by dropping tests, by laboratory 

and field tests in gas and air mixtures, and by the general behavior of 

the equipment during the investigation.

    (b) Safety against explosion hazard--(1) Detectors. Detectors shall 

be constructed so that they will not cause external ignitions when used 

in gaseous mine atmospheres.

    (2) Seals or locks. All parts through which external ignitions might 

result shall be covered and protected adequately. All covers shall be 

sealed adequately or equipped with magnetic or other equally reliable 

locks to prevent their being opened by unauthorized persons.

    (3) Glasses. Glasses or glass windows shall be of good-quality glass 

and protected adequately against breakage. Unguarded windows may be 

considered adequate in this respect, provided they are of small diameter 

and are of reasonably thick glass.

    (4) Battery. If the detector is equipped with a battery, it shall be 

of such design that it will not produce sparks that will ignite an 

explosive mixture of methane and air.

    (5) Detectors of the flame type. Methane detectors of the flame type 

shall be subject to the requirements of the flame-lamp schedule then in 


    (c) Safety against bodily hazard. Bodily hazard with battery-type 

detectors is due chiefly to possible burning of the user by electrolyte 

that has spilled from the battery. MSHA, therefore, requires that:

    (1) Spilling of electrolyte. The battery shall be so designed and 

constructed that when properly filled it will not spill electrolyte 

under actual service conditions.

    (2) Corrosion of battery container. The material of which the 

container is made shall resist corrosion under conditions of use.

    (d) Performance. In addition to the general design and safety 

features, MSHA considers that permissible types of methane detectors 

should meet certain minimum requirements with respect to their 

performance, as follows:

    (1) Detectors. (i) When the detector is operated according to the 

manufacturer's instructions, it shall be possible to detect at least 1 

percent methane in air, and increasing percentages up to 5 percent shall 

be shown by continuously increasing evidence.

    (ii) The average number of determinations that may be made in 

approximately 2-percent methane mixtures without recharging a battery or 

replacing a chemical accessory shall not be less than 25, and the 

average number of such determinations that may be made without replacing 

any other part shall be not less than 100.

    (2) Indicating detectors. Indicating detectors shall give 

indications of as low as 0.25 percent methane. Detectors having an upper 

scale limit of 2 percent may be approved, but it is recommended that the 

detector be designed to give indications of as high as 4 percent 

methane. The indications for these percentages shall be within the 

limits of error specified in the following table:

                  Allowable Variations in Scale Reading

                              [In percent]


  Methane in mixtures       Minimum indication      Maximum indication


             0.25                     0.10                    0.40

              .50                      .35                     .65

             1.00                      .80                    1.20

             2.00                     1.80                    2.20

             3.00                     2.70                    3.30

             4.00                     3.70                    4.30


    (i) Tests shall be made at several percentages within the range of 

the indicating detector and at temperatures between the limits of 

50[deg] and 70 [deg]F. by increments of 5[deg]. Ten determinations shall 

be made at each percentage. Neither the average of the 10 readings nor

[[Page 143]]

more than 2 readings for each percentage shall exceed the limits of 

error given in the table.

    (ii) The average number of determinations that may be made with an 

indicating detector without replacement of any part shall be not less 

than 30, and the average number that may be made without recharging the 

battery shall be not less than 15.

    (iii) The scale shall not be subdivided into smaller divisions than 

the general accuracy of the indicating detector warrants.

    (3) Mechanical strength. Detectors and indicating detectors shall be 

subjected to the following mechanical tests: Four of each of those parts 

or groups of assembled parts that are not normally strapped to the user 

shall be dropped 20 times on a wood floor from a height of 3 feet. Parts 

that are strapped to the user may be subjected to a jarring or bumping 

test to demonstrate adequate strength. The average number of times that 

any one of the detectors can be dropped before breakage or material 

distortion of essential parts shall be not less than 10.

    (e) Attachments for illumination. If detectors are provided with 

attachments for illuminating purposes, such attachments shall be subject 

to the same requirements as those applying to that type of lamp under 

the lamp schedule then in force.