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International Activities

Photo collage of aluminum production processes and equipment

International Aluminum Institute (IAI) Exiting EPA
The worldwide aluminum industry has made significant progress in reducing emissions of PFCs over the last decade and continues to work toward achieving further reductions. Depending on the technology type, further lowering of emissions is both technically and economically feasible for many plants. The industry is working cooperatively with national governments through domestic voluntary programs and globally through voluntary programs organized by the International Aluminum Institute. Exiting EPA

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The Aluminum Sector Greenhouse Gas Protocol (PDF) (34 pp, 112K) Exiting EPA
The IAI, in collaboration with the global aluminum industry, has developed an addendum to the WBCSD/WRI Greenhouse Gas Protocol. This Addendum provides additional interpretation, guidance and examples tailored to the international aluminum industry.

PFC Emissions Measurement Protocol for Primary Aluminum (PDF) (42 pp, 318K)
EPA is working with the IAI to improve global emissions data. EPA and IAI have completed a standard measurement protocol for PFCs. A project to update IPCC Good Practice Tier 1 default factors and Tier 2 default coefficients is expected to be completed in 2004.

Technology and Economics of Reducing PFC Emissions from Aluminum Production (PDF) (6 pp, 63K)
EPA collaborated with representatives of the international primary aluminum community to review recent trends in PFC emissions from the global aluminum industry. The paper, presented in 2002 at the Third International Symposium on Non-CO2 Greenhouse Gaess (NCGG-3), provides an overview of global efforts to reduce emissions and reviews technical options to reduce PFC greenhouse gas emissions from primary aluminum production.

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