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Media Room

Media Visits

General Public:

Tour information is available in our public tour area. A map and directions to JPL are available online.

News & Film Crews:

We have established the following guidelines for your visit.

Our first priority is the scientists' and engineers' work. Please cooperate with their limits. This includes respecting the designated areas for filming, honoring the start and end times for interviews, and abiding by the schedule.

The Media Relations Office is in charge of setting up the schedule. Our office is responsible for deciding the schedule and setting up the time and location and duration of the shoot. Phone or scouting interviews are allowed, but all schedules will be worked by media relations.

You must inform us how much time it will take for the crew to set up lights and cameras. Please overestimate and take into account the time it will take to travel around JPL's campus-style facility. We will not be able to accommodate requests for extraordinarily long setup times.

Before your visit to JPL can be arranged, please call Sonja Alexander, 202/358-1761,, the coordinator. She is in charge of approving any NASA visit.

You must provide a letter from the company with whom you've contracted, stating that you have a contract or assignment with them to interview at JPL. Please fax this letter to 818/354-4537 before beginning to arrange the visit.

In order to clear your visit through security, we need to know the name and nationality of each crew member. If a crew member is not a US citizen, please provide their passport number, date of expiration, and passport type. US citizens must present a valid driver's license or ID card when checking in. Non-citizens need their passports or resident alien cards with them. No children or other non-working family members may accompany the crew.

Please be sure to arrive 30 minutes before your start time with your identification, in order to be checked in.

Please make an effort to streamline your setup times and equipment transport; the schedule is very busy and experts will not be available after their scheduled times. Most people leave JPL around 4:30 so please be packed up by 5. We've established this schedule so that the day will move smoothly.

You may bring 1 equipment truck at most on the Lab's property. Parking is very tight, so be aware that you will have to be documented by security to drive an equipment truck, and that you may be asked during the shoot to move your vehicle.

A full catalog and ordering instructions for existing videos and B-roll is available at For help in navigating this site, call Xaviant Ford, the video coordinator at JPL, at 818/393-4484.

You will be escorted all day by a media relations representative - not necessarily the media relations rep who arranged your interview. If you must change a scheduled element, please check with the media relations rep who arranged your visit. The escort will be provided with the contact info. Please note that any last minute schedule changes can only be made by the media relations rep who arranged the schedule. No escort, other than the media relations rep, will be able to change the set schedule on the day of the visit.

The entire crew must be within sight of the escort at all times.


General Public

Please call 818-354-4321 or TDD (hearing or speech impaired access) 818-354-2148 for all inquiries. Our address is:

Jet Propulsion Laboratory
California Institute of Technology
4800 Oak Grove Drive
Pasadena, California 91109-8099


Please contact a media representative (see list below) to sign up for the journalist's email list, which includes Notes to Editors and Media Tip Sheets, as well as News Releases.

JPL Director interviews, legal issues, institutional news

Veronica McGregor
Media Relations Manager

Earth- and space-based astronomy, Astrophysics

Jane Platt
News Chief

Mars exploration

Guy Webster
Media Relations Specialist

Outer solar system (Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto), Deep Space Network

Carolina Martinez
Media Relations Specialist

Inner solar system (Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, comets, asteroids, eclipses, meteor showers)

DC Agle
Media Relations Specialist

Earth sciences

Alan Buis
Media Relations Specialist

Spitzer Space Telescope

Whitney Clavin
Media Relations Specialist

Spitzer Space Telescope

Gay Yee Hill
Media Relations Specialist

Technology and applications programs, education and multicultural outreach

Rhea Borja
Media Relations Specialist

Water cleanup at JPL

Merrilee Fellows
NASA Water Cleanup Outreach Manager

Video and still image requests; Entertainment, documentary and commercial television productions

Elena Mejia
Television/Imaging Specialist

Mark Petrovich
Television/Imaging Specialist