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Inorganic (Wet) Chemistry

The inorganic chemistry section at the Region 8 Lab can perform a myriad of chemical tests.

When people think of an analytical chemist's job, they most commonly associate the duties performed in the inorganic chemistry lab. We monitor many important water quality parameters. Ammonia, nitrate and phosphorous loading of streams and lakes can lead to eutrophication (the depletion of oxygen in waters due to nutrient loading). High biological oxygen demand (BOD) depletes the oxygen supply to the point where fish cannot live. pH changes can determine the bioavailability of toxic metals. Carbon content of a body of water can effect the toxicity of metals present.

The quantity of substances we test for is not always the most important information. Sometimes the source of a pollutant can be identified by changes in pollution concentration between different sampling locations. For example, high nutrient loading in a stream downstream from a sewage treatment plant may actually be due to fertilizer runoff from agricultural concerns upstream.

For more information, please contact Michael Bade
Email: bade.michael@epa.gov
Phone: 303-312-7765

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