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Great Lakes Funding

Great Lakes Program Funding

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Descriptions of Previous Projects

Previous Requests for Proposals

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Descriptions of Previous Projects

FY 2003 - 2004 Great Lakes National Program Office Funding Guidance - Four Requests for Proposals

We are no longer accepting proposals under RFP 1, 2, or 4. Later this month we will evaluate the proposals we received under RFP 3 and determine if additional proposals will be accepted there for Conferences and Printing.

Draft List of Proposals received in response to the FY 2003-2004 Great Lakes National Program Office Funding Guidance.  92 projects have been selected.



  1. Background, Process, and Schedule
  2. General Considerations (Amounts, Eligibility, Notification, etc.)
  3. Application Instructions For RFP 1, RFP 2, AND RFP 3, including "Line-by-Line" Instructions and Examples from Previous Years
  4. USEPA Contacts for Great Lakes Priorities
  5. General Criteria

Requests for Proposals

1. General Request for Proposals

  1. Contaminated Sediments
  2. Pollution Prevention and Reduction
  3. Habitat (Ecological) Protection and Restoration
  4. Invasive Species
  5. Strategic or Emerging Issues

2. Specific LaMP/RAP Request for Proposals

  1. Grants, Cooperative Agreements, and Interagency Agreements
  1. Lake Erie
    1. LaMP Outreach
    2. Human Health
    3. Technical Transfer
    4. Land-use Assessment
    5. Coastal Community BMP
  2. Lake Huron: Binational Partnership/RAP Development and Implementation
  3. Lake Michigan
    1. LaMP Implementation
    2. Watershed Training and Implementation
    3. Environmental Education Boat Tour
    4. RAP/Tributary Monitoring
  4. Lake Ontario
    1. Habitat Prioritization
    2. RAP Coordination/Management
    3. Contaminant Source Trackdown
    4. Tributary Load Monitoring
    5. Atmospheric Mercury Deposition
  5. Lake Superior
    1. LaMP Implementation
    2. RAP Habitat Recommendations
    3. Community Awareness
    4. Energy Conservation
  1. Cooperative LaMP/RAP Partnerships with States, Tribes, and Interstate or Intertribal Organizations
  1. Lake Erie
    1. LaMP Development - Aquatic System
    2. LaMP Development - Detroit River
    3. LaMP Development - Ohio AOCs
    4. LaMP Development - General
  2. Lake Michigan
    1. State LaMP/RAP Development and Implementation
    2. Implement LaMP Human Health, Habitat, and Toxics Reduction
    3. Tribal LaMP Development and Implementation
    4. LaMP Implementation through LMMCC
  3. Lake Superior
    1. State LaMP/RAP Implementation
    2. Tribal LaMP/RAP Implementation

3. Request for Proposals for Conferences and Printing

  1. Ecological (habitat) conferences, workshops, and meetings.
  2. Printing of ecological (habitat) educational environmental materials.
  3. General conference, workshop, meeting, and printing under GLWQA.
  4. State of Lake Michigan Basin Conference.
  5. Basin-wide RAP Priorities

4. Request for Proposal for Grants Servicing Intermediary


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