Hydrology and Remote Sensing Laboratory Site Logo
Agricultural Research Service United States Department of Agriculture
Thomas J. Jackson


photo of Tom Jackson  Thomas Jackson, Ph.D.
USDA-ARS Hydrology and Remote Sensing Laboratory
Bldg. 007, Rm. 104, BARC-West
Beltsville, MD 20705-2350 USA
Voice: (301) 504-8511
Fax: (301) 504-8931

Research Interests: (click here to see a list of current research projects)

  • Remote sensing
  • Soil moisture and soil water modeling
  • Hydrologic modeling


  • 1971 B.S. (Fire Protection Engineering) University of Maryland, College Park, MD.
  • 1973 M.S. (Civil Engineering) University of Maryland, College Park, MD.
  • 1976 Ph.D. (Civil Engineering) University of Maryland, College Park, MD.

Professional Experience:

  • 1976 - 1977: Assistant Professor, University of Kentucky, Lexington, Kentucky
  • 1977 - present: Hydrologist, USDA-ARS Hydrology and Remote Sensing Laboratory, Beltsville, MD

Selected Publications: (please contact the author to determine reprint availability)

(view author's publications/interpretive summaries/technical abstracts since 1999)

Jackson, T. J. Multiple resolution analysis of L band brightness temperature for soil moisture. IEEE Trans. Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 39:151-164. 2001.

Jackson, T. J., Hsu, A. Y., Shutko, A. M., Tishchenko, Y., Petrenko, B., Kutuza, B., and Armand, N. Priroda microwave radiometer observations in the SGP97 hydrology experiment. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 23:231-248. 2002.

Jackson, T. J. and Hsu, A. Y. Soil moisture and TRMM microwave imager relationships in the Southern Great Plains 1999 (SGP99) experiment, IEEE Trans. Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 39:1632-1642. 2001.

Jackson, T. J. Remote sensing, soil moisture and implications for groundwater recharge. Hydrogeology Journal, 10:40-51. 2002.

Jackson, T., Hsu, A., O'Neill, P. Surface soil moisture retrieval and mapping using high frequency microwave satellite observation in the Southern Great Plains, J. Hydrometeorology, 3:688-699. 2002.

Jackson, T., Gasiewski, A., Oldak, A., Klein, M., Njoku, E., Yevgrafov, A., Christiani, S., and Bindlish, R. Soil moisture retrieval using the C-Band polarimetric scanning radiometer during the Southern Great Plains 1999 experiment. IEEE Trans. Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 40:2151-2161. 2002.

Njoku, E., Jackson, T., Lakshmi, V., Chan, T., and Nghiem, S. Soil moisture retrieval from AMSR-E. IEEE Trans. Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 41:215-229. 2003.

Bindlish, R., Jackson, T. J., Wood, E., Gao, H., Starks, P., Bosch, D. and Lakshmi, V. Soil moisture estimates from TRMM Microwave Imager observations over the southern United States. Remote Sensing of Environment, 85:507-15. 2003.

Jackson, T. J., Hsu, A.Y., Van de Griend, A., and Eagleman, J. SKYLAB L band microwave observations of soil moisture revisited, International Journal of Remote Sensing, 24: 2585-2606. 2004.

Entekhabi, D., Njoku, E., Houser, P., Spencer, M., Doiron, T., Belair, S., Crow, W., Jackson, T., Kerr, Y., Kimball, J., Koster, R., McDonald, K., O'Neill, P., Pultz, T., Running, S., Shi, J.C., Wood, E., and van Zyl, J. The hydrosphere State (Hydros) mission concept: An earth system pathfinder for global mapping of soil moisture and land freeze/thaw, IEEE Trans. Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 42:2184-2195. 2004.

Jackson, T., Chen, D., Cosh, M., Li, F., Anderson, M., Walthall, C., Doraiswamy, P., and Hunt, E.R. Vegetation water content mapping using Landsat data derived normalized difference water index (NDWI) for corn and soybean, Remote Sensing of Environment, 92: 475-482. 2004.

Kustas, W.P., Li, F., Jackson, T. J., Prueger, J.H., MacPherson, J.I., and Wolden, M. Effects of remote sensing pixel resolution on modeled energy flux variability of croplands in Iowa, Remote Sensing of the Environment, 92:535-547. 2004.

Cosh, M.H., Jackson, T. J., Bindlish, R., and Prueger, J.H. Watershed scale temporal persistence of soil moisture and its role in validation satellite estimates, Remote Sensing of Environment, 92:427-435. 2004.

Jackson, T. J., Hurkmans. R., Hsu, A., and Cosh, M.H. Soil moisture algorithm validation using data from the advanced microwave scanning radiometer (AMSR-E) in Mongolia. Italian Journal of Remote Sensing., 30/31:23-32. 2004.

Jackson, T .J. Remote Sensing Soil Moisture. In Encyclopedia of Soils in the Environment. Ed. D. Hillel, Elsevier, Ltd., Oxford, UK, vol. 3:392-398. 2005.

Jackson, T. Passive microwave remote sensing of soil moisture and regional drought monitoring, Chapter V:89-104. in Boken, V. (ed.) Monitoring and Predicting Agricultural Drought. Oxford Univ. Press. 2005.

Jackson, T. J., Bindlish, R., Gasiewski, A.J., Stankov, B., Klein, M., Njoku, E.G., Bosch, D., Coleman, T.L., Laymon, C., and Starks, P. Polarimetric Scanning Radiometer C and X band microwave observations during SMEX03. IEEE Trans. Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 43:2418-2430. 2005.

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Last Modified: 10/16/2007