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ORC Expert List: General Legal Issues

ORC Expert Directory

Air and Radiation
General Legal Issues
Land and Chemicals
Other Resources

For each entry below, the designated expert for that topic is listed first and any designated alternates follow. To email an employee identified in this list, simply click on his or her name, or send email to <lastname.firstname@epa.gov>. Please note that all phone numbers are in area code 312.

ORC Expert List:  General Legal Issues
Air and Radiation Division (ARD)
Deborah Garber 886-6610
Criminal Investigations David Taliaferro 886-0815
Enforcement/Compliance Assistance Eric Cohen
Leverett Nelson
Land & Chemicals Division (LCD)
       - Pesticides and Toxics Connie Puchalski 886-6719
       - RCRA Wastes Sandra Lee 886-6841
Resources Management Division (RMD) - Personnel Eric Cohen 886-0703
Strategic Environmental Assessment (OSEA) Jane Lupton 886-2238
Superfund Division (SFD)
       - Cost Recovery Peter Felitti 886-5114
       - Generally Larry Kyte 886-4854
Water Division (WD) Stephen Mendoza 886-6852





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