Pollution Prevention Awards Program

In order to encourage, promote, and highlight achievements in Pollution Prevention, awards are given each year by ORNL, DOE Oak Ridge Operations, and DOE Headquarters. Other awards may also be available to ORNL by other institutions. Here is the latest information available on application submission dates for these awards:

P2 Home

Awards Program Submission Deadline
ORNL President's Award TBA
U.S. President's Green Chemistry Award TBA
White House Closing the Circle Awards TBA
DOE Oak Ridge Operations Award TBA
DOE Headquarters Award TBA

Below you will find award categories, nomination instructions, and nomination forms that can be downloaded and filled out in Wordperfect or MS Word applications for each award program. ORNL winners of past Pollution Prevention awards are also given.

ORNL President's Award

Award Categories
ORNL President's Small Quantity Generator Pollution Prevention Award
This award will be presented to a generator (individual or team) who implemented a pollution prevention option resulting in a reduction of 30 percent or more of a small waste stream (i.e., less than 1,000 kilograms per year [kg/yr]). Projects resulting in smaller percentage reductions will also be considered on a case-by-case basis.

ORNL President's Large Quantity Generator Pollution Prevention Award
This award will be presented to a generator (individual or team) who implemented a pollution prevention option resulting in a reduction of 30 percent or more of a large waste stream (i.e., greater than 1,000 kilograms per year [kg/yr]). Projects resulting in smaller percentage reductions will also be considered on a case-by-case basis.

ORNL President's Pollution Prevention Promoter Award
This award will be presented to a manager who has consistently supported and promoted pollution prevention activities within ORNL by providing personnel in his/her area with resources to perform these activities, recognizing the personnel who identified and supported these activities, and/or providing secondary support for activities outside his/her area of responsibility.

ORNL President's Pollution Prevention Common Sense Award
This award will be presented to a generator (individual or team) who implemented a pollution prevention option that "just made sense" because it was a relatively simple operational or procedural change that had not been identified and addressed in the past.

ORNL President's Pollution Prevention Suggestion Award
This award will be presented to a generator (individual or team) who suggested a pollution prevention option that was the basis for a successful pollution prevention project.

Nomination Forms

Instructions: View ORNL awards nomination instructions.
On Your Browser: Fill out the ORNL P2 awards form from your browser.
Hard Copy: View and print ORNL P2 awards form from your browser.
WP Format: Download or view ORNL awards form in Wordperfect (21K).
MS Word Format: Download or view ORNL awards form in MS Word (7.5K).
Awards Table

The (U.S.) President's Green Chemistry Award

Entries must be postmarked no later than November 30, 1996 and sent to Green Chemistry Challenge, Mail Code 7406, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, 401 M Street, SW., Washington, DC 20460. Please forward a copy of any ORNL nomination to Susan Michaud, bldg 3047, ms 6020.
The Green Chemistry Challenge Awards Program was established to recognize technologies that incorporate the principles of green chemistry into chemical design, manufacture, and use. The evaluation of the impact of the new technology will include considerations of the health and environmental effects throughout the life-cycle with a recognition that incremental improvements are necessary.

The Green Chemistry Challenge Awards Program is open to all individuals, groups, and organizations, both non-profit and for profit, including academia and industry. The nominated green chemistry technology must be demonstrated, implemented, and/or applied within the last five years in the United States.

Below is information on selection criteria, 1996 award entries and recipients, and the nominating instructions. The nomination package contains concise instructions on how to enter the competition. Entries must be postmarked no later than November 30, 1996. Awards will be presented in Spring, 1997, in Washington, DC.

Awards Program Selection Criteria
Summary of 1996 Award Entries and Recipients
Green Chemistry Challenge Awards Program - Nomination Package for 1997
Awards Table

The White House Closing the Circle Awards

The White House Closing the Circle Awards honor outstanding performance in a Federal facility in the following categories. Nomination forms from ORNL are to be sent by November 22, 1999 to David Wasserman (ph:576-8832) through e-mail (uid: DQ4) or by disk or hardcopy to Bldg 1000, MS 6404.. All nominations for DOE awards are also summitted as Closiing the Circle Awards.

Award Categories

Waste Prevention
Awarded for the outstanding example of significant reduction in the generation of wastes at a Federal facility.

Awarded for the best overall solid waste recycling program.

Affirmative Procurement
Honors the most effective program of purchasing and using products with recycled content.

Environmental Innovation
Honors the best example of acquiring, using or validating products or services that have a reduced effect on human health and the environment; or the best example of an outstanding improvement to a process that resulted in significant monetary savings and benefit to the environment; or the best example of product testing that led to the approval and use of environmentally sound products and services.

Model Facility Demonstrations
Honors that Federal Facility that has made an outstanding contribution to waste prevention, recycling and affirmative procurement.

Sowing The Seeds For Change
This is a general category for activities which promote acquisition, recycling, and waste prevention programs on a broad scale; i.e. region-wide, agency-wide, government-wide, etc.

Individual Environmental Challenge
This award will recognize those individuals who have demonstrated outstanding leadership in implementing pollution prevention provisions of the Executive Order on Federal Compliance with Right-To-Know Laws and Pollution Prevention.

Nomination Forms and Instructions

WP Format: Download Closing the Circle awards form (and DOE Award Form) in Wordperfect 6.1.

Awards Table

DOE Oak Ridge Operations and Headquarters Award

This awards program is designed to reward pollution prevention (P2) and recycling-related activities completed or performed in fiscal year 1999. The program is open to all DOE sites, operations, employees, and contractors. Nominations for work done at ORNL are due to the ORNL Pollution Prevention Coordinator by November 22, 1999. Send forms electronically to David Wasserman (ph:576-8832) through e-mail (uid: DQ4) or by disk or hardcopy to Bldg 1000, MS 6404. Award forms and instructions can be downloaded at the end of this section.

Award Categories

Affirmative Procurement
Honors the most effective and innovative programs implemented for the purchase of materials containing recycled content at a DOE site, facility, or operation.

Environmental Preferability
This category recognizes the best examples of acquiring, using, or validating products or services that have a reduced impact on human health and the environment when compared with competing products or services that serve the same purpose; an outstanding improvement to a process that resulted in significant monetary savings and benefit to the environment; product testing that led to the approval and use of environmentally preferable or sound products and services.

Model Facility Demonstrations
This award recognizes achievements by an individual or federal facility for outstanding contribution to waste prevention, recycling and affirmative procurement through its leadership, investment in resources and change in culture. Notwithstanding the name "Model Facility," an individual who virtually singlehandedly designed and executed the program submitted can be nominated in this category.

Honoring outstanding activities, including outreach, collection, separation and processing by which products or other materials are recovered from the waste stream for use in the manufacture of new products (other than fuel for producing heat or power by combustion) at a Federal site, facility, or operation.

Sowing The Seeds For Change
This category should be considered when an individual or facility leads an activity, or conducts an infrastructure or policy change that advances the objectives of the EO12856, but does not have a direct impact on the waste being reduced, recycling effort developed or affirmative procurement practice implemented.

Integrated Planning and Design
This award is for the best example of planning of a DOE-funded activity, project, or technology to include P2 concepts and principles. Nominations could include broad subjects such as project planning or be narrowly focused on best technical design of a product, process, system, or technology to reflect P2 principles.

Environmental Restoration
Awarded to the outstanding example of aggressive or innovative success in applying P2 principles, strategies, and technologies into environmental restoration and decontamination/ decommissioning activities.

Waste Prevention
This category recognizes reductions in the generation of wastes from a Federal facility through any change in the design, manufacturing or use of materials or products; and/or the amount of toxicity in waste materials.

Information Sharing
Honoring the outstanding achievement in P2 or recycling education, training, or technology transfer by the nominated program or facility to other DOE employees, contractors, programs, or facilities.

This category recognizes those individual and/or team activities designed to get more people to better understand about the big environmental and economic benefits resulting from recycling and buying recycled content products.

Executive Order 12856
This award recognizes individuals that have demonstrated outstanding leadership in implementing the pollution prevention provisions of Executive Order 12856. The Federal Environmental Executive is pleased to continue incorporating this Environmental Challenge Award into the 1999 Closing the Circle Award Program.

Complex-Wide Achievement
Honoring the group, organization, facility, or site making the most significant positive impact preventing waste and pollution across the DOE complex.

Nomination Forms and Instructions

Wordperfect 6.1 Format: Download DOE awards forms and instructions in Wordperfect 6.1.