United States Department of Agriculture Agricultural Research Service

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The Regional Research Centers:
Putting Agriculture to Use

Five short videos tell how yesterday's research at our four utilization centers has helped defined today's America—and how today's research may shape tomorrow. The four centers work to solve problems of national significance by discovering new uses for agricultural commodities and new processes for improving food safety and product quality.

The videos shed light on what is often present, but more often unknown to the public—our major role in a host of everyday products on our store shelves, as well as important processes relied on by the food industry and other economic sectors.

The first video listed below gives an overview of the four utilization centers and why Congress authorized their creation. The other four videos present unique accomplishments and goals of each center.

Research Putting Agriculture to Use (2005, 8 min. 31 sec.)
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Eastern Regional Research Center, Wyndmoor, Pa. (2005, 11 min. 40 sec.)
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National Center for Agricultural Utilization Research, Peoria, Ill. (2005, 8 min. 34 sec.)
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Southern Regional Research Center, New Orleans, La. (2005, 10 min. 47 sec.)
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Western Regional Research Center, Albany, Calif. (2005, 11 min. 25 sec.)
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Last Modified: 05/13/2009