United States Department of Agriculture Agricultural Research Service

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Top Researchers of 2007

At the ARS Annual Recognition Program on March 12, 2008, held at USDA headquarters, soil scientist Norman R. Fausey was honored as the ARS Distinguished Senior Research Scientist of the Year for 2007. Dr. Fausey heads the ARS Soil Drainage Unit in Columbus, Ohio. The award for Early Career Research Scientist of the Year was presented to Zhongli Pan, a research engineer in the ARS Processed Foods Research Unit in Albany, California.

In the two videos below (approximately 6 minutes each), Drs. Fausey and Pan describe their work.

Norman FauseyNorman R. Fausey
(5 min. 53 sec.)

News release (2/12/08)
Contact information and research details

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Zhongli PanZhongli Pan
(5 min. 35 sec.)

News release (2/12/08)
Contact information and research details

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Phone modem | Broadband

Last Modified: 05/13/2009