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Search Tips:
  • The search feature of www.usap.gov will attempt to match the exact phrase entered in the Search Terms text box. For better results, try one or two-word queries.
  • Checking more than one Search Field will check to see if your search terms exist in all the fields checked. For more general results, make sure you are only searching the document contents. If you are searching for a specific document or simply want a more targeted search, try checking the other search fields.
  • Not all documents will contain author or subject information, use these features only if you are searching for specific documents or authors.
  • Using the filename feature will cause usap.gov to search for the exact filename entered. Use this feature only if you know the specific filename of the docment you are looking for.

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USAP.gov is the U.S. Government’s official web portal for the U.S. Antarctic Program, which is managed by the National Science Foundation's Office of Polar Programs - 4201 Wilson Boulevard, Suite 755 Arlington, VA 22230