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Generating Reports and Maps

The main purpose of this AirData website is to create reports and maps of air pollution data. You choose which type of report or map to produce, and you determine its content by selecting options. The steps below outline how you go about generating a report or map.

  1. Select geographic area
    The geographic selection web page offers several choices, from the entire United States to a single ZIP code. Go to geographic selection.

  2. Select report or map type
    Some reports and maps are not compatible with some geographic area types. AirData tells you which report and map types are available for the geographic area you selected.

  3. Specify options
    Each report and map has options that you may use to customize its content. For example, you may need to select an air pollutant or a year.

  4. View the report or map
    After you select options and submit your request, AirData software extracts the appropriate data, formats the data for a report or map, and displays the results in your browser. At this point, you may optionally download the data to your computer in any of several formats.


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