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October 15, 2008    DOL Home > Newsroom > Speeches & Remarks   

Speeches by Secretary Elaine L. Chao

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Remarks of U.S. Secretary of Labor Elaine L. Chao
At the Kickoff
Of the Fiduciary Education Campaign
“Getting it Right—Know Your Fiduciary Responsibilities”
Frances Perkins Building, Washington, D.C.
May 18, 2004

Good morning. Welcome to the kickoff of the Department’s newest compliance assistance program: Getting It Right—Know Your Fiduciary Responsibilities.

I want to thank our partners—the Society for Human Resource Management, the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, the American Institute for Certified Public Accountants, the National Federation of Independent Businesses and the Small Business Administration—for their support of this important project.

Strong fiduciary oversight and protecting workers’ benefits are our highest priorities. Getting it right, however, can be challenging. This is especially true for small and medium-sized employers who have limited time, resources and access to professional help with benefit programs.

Today, we are announcing a series of educational seminars to help plan sponsors understand the rules and meet their responsibilities to workers and retirees, thereby improving their financial security.

The Department uncovered the need for this kind of program because of our vigorous enforcement efforts in the health benefits and pension plan areas. In FY 2003 alone, our enforcement recovered $1.4 billion for employee pension and health benefit programs.

Compliance assistance is important for retirement plan officials because ERISA—the law that governs their actions—is one of the more complicated statutes under our jurisdiction. Our new “Getting It Right” initiative is a “preventive” program and National Small Business Week, May 16-22, is a great time to announce this initiative. This new program is designed to help plan sponsors and fiduciaries avoid many of the common problems we have identified through our investigations.

Offering a retirement plan can be one of the most rewarding decisions an employer can make. The employees participating in the plan, their beneficiaries, and the employer all benefit when a retirement plan is in place.

However, many employers have not implemented a systematic process to educate fiduciaries about their responsibilities under ERISA. We have found that many ERISA fiduciaries are generally not full-time plan fiduciaries. They have other jobs—for instance, running the company—and may not spend time daily focusing on their retirement plans. This program offers a helping hand to those who want to do the right thing, so that the pension plans of workers will be better protected. That’s the goal of compliance assistance.

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