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Disaster Response Team Alleviates Suffering in Darfur, Sudan

by Sureka Khandagle and Gary Barrett

Forest Service
Getting supplies to families in need is one aspect of the humanitarian relief the Forest Service provides.
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Sureka Khandagle is Team Leader for the Darfur Field Office, Office of US Foreign Disaster Assistance, US Agency for International Development, Khartoum, Sudan; and Gary Barrett, formerly a Disaster Management Specialist for the Forest Service, International Programs, Disaster Assistance Support Program, Washington, DC, is Head of the United Nations Logistics Center, South Sudan.

T he 4-year conflict in Darfur, Sudan, has claimed hundreds of thousands of lives and driven more than 2 million people from their homes. Families have been ravaged by the fighting, which has affected more than 60 percent of the population.

That includes Mohammed Salih Haroun, an agricultural engineer who runs a seed store and agricultural consulting business in Nyala, the capital of South Darfur. In July 2006, an Arab militia attacked and burned his family’s village of Amoodh Al Akhdar. Many civilians were killed, including Haroun’s 29-year-old brother. He and the rest of his family fled to Otash, a camp near Nyala that provides shelter for about 60,000 internally displaced people. By helping farmers improve crop quality and yield, Haroun is supporting the restoration of livelihoods in Darfur. Meanwhile, he is saving money to build a home for his family so that they can leave Otash and begin a new life in Nyala.

Displaced families like Haroun’s are assisted by the U.S. Government, the leading international donor in Sudan. Since fiscal year 2004, the United States has contributed more than $2 billion for humanitarian programs in Sudan and eastern Chad. The Forest Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture, has been involved through the Disaster Assistance Support Program through an agreement with the Office of U.S. Foreign Disaster Assistance in the U.S. Agency for International Development.

In early 2004, Forest Service experts helped to assess humanitarian needs in
Darfur. They served as liaisons between the U.S. Government and nongovernmental
organizations, validating the needs of the displaced and helping to direct funding to
relief programs in sectors such as health, water and sanitation, food security and agriculture, nutrition, logistics, shelter and security.

In 2005, experts found that a poor transportation infrastructure in Darfur was keeping supplies from getting to camps during the rainy season. A Forest Service bridge engineer, who is experienced in remote-area geotechnical applications, surveyed the area and recommended improvements. The U.S. Agency for International Development then funded corresponding projects, such as reinforcing streambed crossings to withstand seasonal flooding and allow supplies to reach families in need.

In 2006, personnel from the Forest Service and Bureau of Land Management helped security staff from the U.S. Agency for International Development identify and
evaluate safety hazards for team lodging.

In 2007, Forest Service field officers have continued to support humanitarian operations in Darfur, helping to implement and monitor more than $100 million in
relief programs. Ravaged villages still dot many landscapes, along with huge camps
like Otash. But relief efforts by the U.S. Agency for International Development, in
cooperation with partners like the Forest Service, are giving Mohammed Salih Haroun and his family new grounds for hope.

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