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Region 8 Tribal Policies

The EPA Region 8 Policy for Environmental Protection in Indian Country was signed Buffalo Image by the Regional Administrator on March 14, 1996. This policy contains the following principles and commitments:

One area of confusion is the definition of Indian Country or Indian Lands. The best definition of Indian Lands can be found in the Region 10 UST/LUST Glossary located here.

Executive Order 12898 was issued on February 11, 1994 to address environmental justice issues in minority and low-income populations.

The Region 8 Guidance for Compliance Monitoring, Compliance Assistance and Enforcement Procedures in Indian Country, dated January 10, 2001 is also available.

The American Indian Environmental Office located in the Headquarters Office of Water in Washington, DC also works with tribal programs in each of the EPA Regions. Copies of Nixon's 1970 Indian Policy, Reagan's 1983 Indian Policy, Bush's 1991 Indian Policy, Clinton's 1994 Indian Policy and Bush's 2004 Indian Policy can be found here.

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