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Disabilities Awareness Month: October

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President Franklin D. Roosevelt in a wheel chair next to a young girl standing with braces on her legs

A selected electronic bibliography

Compiled by the Wirtz Labor Library Staff
U.S. Department of Labor


Family Village
Family Village is a global community that integrates information, resources, and communication opportunities on the Internet for persons with cognitive and other disabilities, for their families, and for those that provide them services and support. The site includes informational resources on specific diagnoses, communication connections, adaptive products and technology, adaptive recreational activities, education, health issues, and disability-related media and literature.

Mobility International USA
As a United States-based national non-profit organization, the mission of Mobility International USA (MIUSA) is to empower people with disabilities around the world through international exchange, information, technical assistance and training, and to ensure their inclusion in international exchange and development programs.

International Paralympic Committee (IPC)
The International Paralympic Committee (IPC) is the international representative organization of elite sports for athletes with disabilities. IPC organizes, supervises and co-ordinates the Paralympic Games and other multi-disability competitions on elite sports level, of which the most important are world and regional championships.

National Council on Disability (NCD)
The National Council on Disability (NCD) is an independent federal agency that advises the President of the United States and Congress on issues affecting 54 million Americans with disabilities. The main purpose of NCD is to promote policies, practices, programs, and procedures that guarantee equal opportunity for all individuals with disabilities. This web site, translated into several languages, includes links to resources on housing, disability rights laws, and the Americans with Disabilities Act. The site also provides information for parents and youth regarding their civil rights.

National Arts and Disability Center
"The National Arts and Disability Center (NADC) is the national information dissemination, technical assistance and referral center specializing in the field of arts and disability. The NADC is dedicated to promoting the full inclusion of children and adults with disabilities into the visual-, performing-, media, and literary-arts communities. Its resource directories, annotated bibliographies, related links and conferences serve to advance artists with disabilities and accessibility to the arts. The NADC is a project of the University of California, at Los Angeles (UCLA), Tarjan Center for Developmental Disabilities (formerly University Affiliated Program)."

National Information Center for Children and Youth with Disabilities
The National Information Center for Children and Youth with Disabilities (NICHCY) is a national information and referral center that provides information on disabilities and related issues for parents, educators, and other professionals. This web site provides information on early intervention, special education, and referrals to disability organizations and parent groups. There is a link to publications on disabilities and available resources, which can be printed from the Internet or obtained by mail.

The Office of Disability Employment Policy
ODEP, a part of the U.S. Department of Labor, is dedicated to increasing employment of persons with disabilities. This can be accomplished through technical assistance, outreach, education, and better services to get these persons in the economic mainstream. This web site includes links to employment referrals and assistance, and referrals to match employers with qualified persons with disabilities for their job openings. The link to Small Business and Self-Employment Service will get you started if you are a person with a disability interested in starting your own business.

Special Olympics
Special Olympics is an international organization dedicated to empowering individuals with mental retardation to become physically fit, productive and respected members of society through sports training and competition. Special Olympics offers children and adults with mental retardation year-round training and competition in 26 Olympic-type summer and winter sports.

VSA Arts (formerly Very Special Arts)
Jean Kennedy founded Very Special Arts (VSA) in 1974 to create learning opportunities through the arts for disabled people. The VSA web site provides a colorful and wonderful look into the achievements and talents of disabled people from all over the world.

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