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Domestic Violence

Diseases & Conditions Results: 11-20 of 37 Web Pages
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Domestic Violence Hurts the Whole Family  External Link

Also available in: Spanish   External Link

Domestic violence, which affects women of all ages and from all countries, is a type of abuse that takes many different forms.... Details >

Healthy Roads Media   External Link

Domestic Violence Hurts the Whole Family (Online Audio)  External Link

Also available in: Spanish   External Link

Domestic violence, which affects women of all ages and from all countries, is a type of abuse that takes many different forms.... Details >

Healthy Roads Media   External Link

Domestic Violence Hurts the Whole Family (Online Video)  External Link

Also available in: Spanish   External Link

Domestic violence, which affects women of all ages and from all countries, is a type of abuse that takes many different forms.... Details >

Healthy Roads Media   External Link

Domestic Violence Links - Institute on Domestic Violence in the African American Community  External Link

This page provides various links related to Domestic Violence in general.... Details >

Institute on Domestic Violence in the African American Community  External Link

Domestic Violence Protocol

American Indian women are victimized by intimate partners at a higher rate than other demographic groups... Details >

Administration for Native Americans, Administration for Children and Families/HHS

Domestic Violence Specific to Asian and Pacific Islander Women  External Link

Domestic violence in Asian and Pacific Islander communities has some different patterns, forms and dynamics of abuse.... Details >

Asian & Pacific Islander Institute on Domestic Violence  External Link

Domestic Violence: Definition, Overview and More  External Link

This document presents information about domestic violence, including a definition and an overview. The document discusses dynamics of domestic violence, reactions of domestic violence victims, and pe... Details >

National Center for Victims of Crime  External Link

FAQ’s - Domestic Violence  External Link

This page provides the most commonly asked questions about domestic violence.... Details >

Asian Task Force Against Domestic Violence  External Link

Healthy Marriage Initiative

the Native American Healthy Marriage Initiative (NAHMI) promotes culturally competent strategies to strengthen Native American families and communities by fostering healthy marriages, responsible fath... Details >

Administration for Native Americans, Administration for Children and Families/HHS

Intimate Partner Violence

This fact sheet provides background and statistics on intimate partner violence and its incidence/prevalence, risk and protective factors, and intervention/prevention.... Details >

National Center for Injury Prevention and Control, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention