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Projected Increases in Housing Density

The pattern of expansion in northwestern Georgia more closely resembles that in southern Maine than that in northwestern Washington. This is likely a reflection of the extensive road network and amount of private land, which provide the opportunity for development to occur across a broader area. Approximately 503 square miles of currently rural, forested lands are projected to reach exurban-urban housing densities (more than 64 housing units per square mile) by 2030.



Figure —Northwest Georgia watersheds projected to experience moderate to high increases in residential development by 2030.


Figure - Year 2000 and projected year 2030 housing unit density in northwest
Georgia as identified for the USDA Forest Service Forests on the Edge project.
Housing data sources: Theobald 2004a, 2004b.


Figure - Forested areas projected to experience increased residential development by 2030. Data sources: Theobald 2004b and U.S. Geological Survey 2003.