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1. Watersheds in which housing density is projected to increase on private forests by 2030. more  »

2. More detailed maps of housing density projections.

  • Percentage of watersheds with private forest projected to shift from rural or exurban to urban by 2030 . more  »

  • Percentage of watersheds with private forest projected to shift from rural to exurban by 2030. more  »

  • Percentage of watersheds with private forest projected to experience one or both types of shift by 2030. more  »

3. Forest Land Ownership. more  »

4. Number of private forest acres projected to experience increased development in each watershed. more  »

5. Percentage of the private forest in each watershed projected to experience increased housing density by 2030. more  »


Private forest—For this project, included tribal, forest industry, and non-industrial private ownerships; excluded public lands and private lands protected through conservation easements.

Rural—Private forest lands with 16 or fewer housing units per square mile. Forest lands with this housing density can generally support a diversity of economic and ecological functions commonly associated with private forests, such as management for timber, most wildlife species, and water quality.

Exurban—Private forest lands with 16 to 64 housing units per square mile. Lands with these higher housing densities can still support many wildlife species and other ecological functions, although perhaps at a reduced level. However, management for commercial timber may be less likely.

Urban—Private forest lands with 64 or more housing units per square mile. Such lands are less likely to be used for timber production or to contribute to wildlife habitat and water quality because of increased road density, infrastructure, and human population levels. Such forest patches, however, are often highly valued for their aesthetics, noise abatement properties, and positive effect on property values.