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Projected Increases in Housing Density

Most of the housing development projected to occur by 2030 is in the southern portion of the case study watersheds, in areas where forest land is typically owned by individuals or families. Approximately 980 square miles of currently rural, forested lands are projected to reach exurban-urban housing densities (more than 64 housing units per square mile) by 2030.


Figure -Maine watersheds projected to experience moderate to high increases in residential development by 2030.


Figure -Maine watersheds projected to experience moderate to high increases in residential development by 2030.


Figure -Year 2000 Maine watersheds baseline housing unit density as identified for the USDA Forest Service Forests on the Edge project. Data sources: Butler 2005 and Theobald 2004a.


Figure -Year 2030 Maine watersheds baseline housing unit density as identified for the USDA Forest Service Forests on the Edge project. Data sources: Butler 2005 and Theobald 2004b.