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These case studies present a glimpse into some factors influencing development at local levels. Several conclusions can be drawn from these studies:

  • Population growth from in migration is a key factor in Washington and Georgia while much of the new residential development in Maine appears to be related to demand for second homes.
  • Ownership of forest land is changing in all three areas. Based on past patterns, forest lands owned by nonindustrial private forestland owners will likely undergo the greatest conversions to developed uses. It is not clear what impact divestment of forest land by the forest industry may have on forestland conversion rates.
  • The legacy of different patterns of historical settlement continues to influence current development trends. In all three regions, future development is projected along existing transportation networks. However, in Maine and Georgia, these networks are much more extensive than in Washington, thus supporting more dispersed development in some areas of those states. The amount of federal land in Washington, and the state’s topography, also influence the pattern of residential development there.
  • Land-use planning mechanisms and forest conservation efforts in the three states will influence the pattern of housing density in each study area.