U.S. International Transactions Accounts Data

Table 11b. Foreign Official Assets and Other Foreign Assets in the United States Reported by U.S. Banks

p    Preliminary.
*    Transactions are less than $500,000(±).
D    Suppressed to avoid disclosure of individual companies.
n.a. Transactions are possible, but data are not available.
..... Not applicable, or for data periods 1960-1997, transactions that are 0, “not available,” or “not applicable.”
Quarterly estimates are not annualized and are expressed at quarterly rates.
1 Negotiable certificates of deposit issued by banks in the United States are included in banks' custody liabilities and are separately identified in memorandum line 8. Nonnegotiable certificates of deposit are included in time deposits.
2 Includes borrowing under Federal funds or repurchase arrangements, deferred credits, and liabilities other than deposits.
3 Mainly negotiable and readily transferable instruments, excluding U.S. Treasury securities.
4 Mainly International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD), International Development Association (IDA), International Finance Corporation (IFC), Asian Development Bank (ADB), Inter-American Development Bank (IDB), and the Trust Fund of the International Monetary Fund.
5 U.S.-owned banks are mainly U.S.-chartered banks, Edge Act subsidiaries, and U.S. bank and financial holding companies. Foreign-owned banks include U.S. branches and agencies of foreign banks and majority-owned bank subsidiaries in the United States. Brokers and dealers are identified separately beginning in the first quarter of 1997; prior to 1997, they are commingled with U.S.-owned banks' accounts.
6 Western Europe, Canada, Japan, Australia, New Zealand, and South Africa.
7 Bahamas, British West Indies (Cayman Islands), Netherlands Antilles, and Panama.
8 Ecuador, Venezuela, Indonesia, and other Asian and African oil-exporting countries. Excludes Ecuador beginning in January 1993.
9 Includes Eastern Europe and international and regional organizations.
10 Estimates first available for the second quarter of 2001.
11 For 1978-83, U.S. Treasury notes denominated in foreign currencies and subject to restricted transferability, that were sold through foreign central banks to domestic residents in country of placement. None of these notes were outstanding after July 1983.

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Last updated: Tuesday, June 17, 2008