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Hawaii's diverse products (top to bottom): spirulina algae; marine seahorse; kahala (amberjack); limu ogo (edible seaweed); freshwater ornamental fish; and seawater ornamental fish.

Aquaculture Products Grown in Hawaii

Hawaii enjoys a widespread reputation for high quality seafood. Aquaculture has diversified the selection of Island seafood and produces both warm and coldwater fish and shellfish, grown in fresh, brackish, and saltwater. Here is a listing of major existing commercial products and species in the research pipeline.

Commercial Products Being Grown

Abalone (red, Haliotus rufens and Japanese, Haliotus discus hanai)
Aquatic snails (Pomacea sp.)
Carp (Ctenopharyngodon idellus, Hypothalmichthys mollitrix)
Catfish (Clarius fuscus)
Freshwater ornamental fish and aquatic plants (various species)
Broodstock and juvenile shrimp (L. vannamei, L. monodon, L. stylirostris)
Freshwater prawns (Macrobrachium rosenbergii)
Giant clams (Tridacna sp.)
Japanese Flounder (hirame, Parlichthys olivaceus)
Kahala (amberjack, Seriola rivoliana)
Lobster (Homarus americanus)
Marine ornamental fish and plants (various species)
Marine ornamental invertebrates (various species)
Marine shrimp for food (Penaeus vannamei
Microalgae (Spirulina sp., Hematococcus sp.)
Milkfish (Chanos chanos)
Moi (Pacific threadfin)
Mullet (Mugil cephalus)
Seahorses (various species)
Seaweed or sea vegetables (Gracilaria sp.)
Seed clams (Mercenaria mercenaria)
Seed oysters and clams (Crassostrea gigas, Ostrea edulis,
       Mercenaria sp.)
Seed pearl oysters (Pinctada fucata, P. margartifera
Tilapia (Tilapia sp.)

Active Research Underway

Deepwater snappers (opakapaka, Pristipomoides Filamentosus; ehu,
       Etelis carbunculus; onaga, E. coruscans
Groupers (various species)
Jacks (various species)
Live rock
Marine ornamental fish (various species)
Marine ornamental invertebrates (various species)
Sable fish
Sturgeon (various species)

For farm names and current product availability contact:

Dean Toda, Marketing Specialist
Aquaculture Development Program


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