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The University of Idaho Vascular Plant Herbarium currently houses over 125,000 plant specimens. The bulk of the collection is from Idaho, with supplemental collections focused on surrounding states--Washington, Oregon, Montana, Utah, and Wyoming. The collection is stored in herbarium cabinets mounted on movable compactor carriages. This is the most space-efficient means of storage. At this time the available compactor cabinet space is full, and the herbarium is exploring options for expanding the compactor system to better accommodate the collection's continuing growth.

In the herbarium there are two dissecting microscope stations set up for use in identifying plants and examining specimens. At left, a young visitor examines a specimen under one of the dissecting microscopes.

The herbarium has four computers available for e-mail, internet access, and for databasing. Data entry has occurred for approximately 5,000 vascular plant specimens and about half of the bryophyte collection.  Data entries to data can be accessed through the Stillinger Herbarium home page.

The bryophyte collection at ID is the largest and most complete representation of northwest mosses, liverworts, and lichens in the state.  Until recently the collection was housed in the University Administration Building but it is now located at the herbarium, easily accessible and available for use. Until his retirement in 2000, Dr. Doyle Anderegg curated the bryophyte collection and maintained an active exchange program. That exchange program has been perpetuated since the collection's relocation, and new specimens have also been donated.

The Stillinger Herbarium Library is fortunate in having funds to purchase books and actively add to the library. The library is open during regular Herbarium hours, or by appointment, and materials are intended to be used in the library rather than removed from the room. Please come by and take a peek; we welcome visitors! For more information on visits, please feel free to contact us.

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