Picture of Haberdeventure with Links Home of Thomas Stone This site is produced by the National Park Service Link to the NPS Revolutionary War Web Page Battlefields to visit to learn about the American Revolution Places to visit to learn about the American Revolution Sites to visit to learn about people involved in the American Revolution Events taking place at Thomas Stone N.H.S. Take a virtual tour of Haberdeventure, the home of Thomas Stone Information on Thomas Stone's genealogy Link to an article on the Mount Vernon Conference between Maryland and Virginia Return to Thomas Stone N.H.S. Home Page

Welcome to Haberdeventure, home of Thomas Stone a signer of the Declaration of Independence. Thomas was a successful lawyer and family man who risked it all when he joined the American Revolution. As we look around inside, we will explore the risks and advantages of being part of the greatest revolution in human history.

Haberdeventure - Home of Thomas Stone

Tours generally begin in the West Wing (the wing on the far left), but you can click on any part of the house to learn more about Thomas Stone.

Thomas began building this house in 1771, three years after he married his wife, Margeret Brown. This had to be an exciting time for Thomas. He had a budding law practice and a new family. However, it was not an easy time in the colonies. Great Britain was just coming out of the Seven Years War, a prolonged engagement against France that took place on both European and North American soil. The cash-starved mother country looked to it's American colonies to help raise money to pay the war debt. New taxes were being imposed and colonists were growing restless. As Thomas Stone was looking to settle down; trouble was brewing between the colonies and the motherland.

Thomas Stone Home Page - Thomas Stone Expanded Page

Link to East Wing Link to East Hyphen Link to Parlor Link to Bedroom Link to West Hyphen Link to West Wing