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Thomas Stone National Historic Site

Signers of the Declaration of Independence

New Hampshire

Moffatt-Ladd House- Home of William Whipple

Rhode Island

Governor Stephen Hopkins House- Home of Stephen Hopkins


Hancock-Clarke House- Only existing house associated with John Hancock


Huntington Homestead- Home of Samuel Huntington

New York

General William Floyd House- Home of William Floyd

New Jersey

Morven- Home of Richard Stockton

Tusculum- Home of John Witherspoon

Clark House- Home of Abraham Clark


Parsons-Taylor House- Home of George Taylor

Benjamin Franklin House- Only existing house associated with Benjamin Franklin. Located in London, England


George Read House- House built by signer George Read's son


Paca House- House owned by William Paca

Charles Carroll House- House lived in by signer Charles Carroll of Carrollton


Berkeley Plantation- One of the most historic homes in America. Owned during the Revolution by Benjamin Harrison

Monticello- Best known house owned by Thomas Jefferson

Poplar Forest- Possibly Thomas Jefferson's favorite house

Menokin- Owned by Francis Lightfoot Lee

Stratford Hall- Birthplace of Richard Henry Lee

Wythe House- Home of George Wythe. Located in Colonial Williamsburg

North Carolina

Maybury Hill- Birthplace of Joseph Hewes. Site is located in New Jersey

South Carolina

Heyward-Washington House- Home of Thomas Heyward

Hopsewee- Home of Thomas Lynch

Middleton Place- Home of Arthur Middleton

John Rutledge House- House lived in by Edward Rutledge


Meadow Garden- Owned by George Walton

Other Famous Revolutionaries Homes

Mount Vernon- Owned by George Washington (Virginia)

Ferry Farm- George Washington's boyhood home (Virginia)

Gunston Hall- Owned by George Mason, father of the Bill of Rights (Virginia)

Montpelier- Owned by James Madison (Virginia)

James Madison Museum- Dedicated to James Madison, framer of the U.S. Constitution and 4th President of the United States (Virginia)

Ash Lawn-Highland- Owned by James Monroe (Virginia)

James Monroe Museum- Dedicated to James Monroe, 2nd Lieutenant in the Revolutionary War and 5th President of the United States (Virginia)

Scotchtown- One time home of orator Patrick Henry (Virginia)

Red Hill- Last home and burial place of Patrick Henry (Virginia)

John Marshall House- Marshall served as an officer in the army, later was Chief Justice of the United States Supreme Court (Virginia)

Nathanael Greene House- One time residence of one of George Washington's most able generals (Rhode Island)

John Paul Jones House- America's first naval hero, Jones rented a room in this house (New Hampshire)

Paul Revere House- Warned colonists of British troops moving toward Lexington and Concord (Massachusetts)

Hamilton Grange- Home of Alexander Hamilton (New York)

John Jay Homestead State Historic Site- Jay held many high offices in the Revolutionary government and later became the first Chief Justice of the United States Supreme Court (New York)

Clermont State Historic Site- Home of Robert Livingston, a drafter of the Declaration of Independence (New York)

Schuyler Mansion State Historic Site- Home of Major General Philip Schuyler (New York)

Betsy Ross House- America's most famous flagmaker (Pennsylvania)

Montpelier- Home of General Henry Knox, commander of artillery under Washington (Maine)

Ethan Allen Homestead- The "Hero of Ticonderoga" grew up on this farm (Vermont)

Nathan Hale Homestead- The "Martyr Spy" grew up on this farm. Connecticut state hero (Connecticut)

Putnam Cottage- General Israel Putnam "Old Put" used this cottage to escape the British in 1779 (Connecticut)

Waynesborough- Birthplace and home of General "Mad" Anthony Wayne (Pennsylvania)

Daniel Boone Homestead- Boone, the famous frontiersman was born here (Pennsylvania)

Locust Grove Historic Home- General George Rogers Clark lived his last nine years here and is also buried here (Kentucky)

Other Revolutionaries Homes

Governor John Langdon House- Langdon signed the United States Constitution (New Hampshire)

Pierce Homestead- Home of General Benjamin Pierce; birthplace of Franklin Pierce, 14th President of the United States (New Hampshire)

John Strong DAR Mansion- General in the Vermont Militia (Vermont)

Jeremiah Lee Mansion- Home of a Colonial Colonel and war financier (Massachusetts)

Gore Place- Home of Christopher Gore, who served in the Continental Army and later served as Governor (Massachusetts)

Quincy House- Home of Revolutionary War Colonel Josiah Quincy (Massachusetts)

Judge Samuel Holten House- Owned by Samuel Holten, member of Continental Congress and signer of the Articles of Confederation (Massachusetts)

Oliver Ellsworth Homestead- Ellsworth was a delegate to Congress and a famous jurist (Connecticut)

Varnum House Museum- Built by General James Mitchell Varnum (Rhode Island)

Herkimer Home State Historic Site- Home of General Nicholas Herkimer, mortally wounded at the Battle of Oriskany (New York)

King Manor Museum- Owned by Rufus King, member of the Continental Congress and signer of the United States Constitution (New York)

Steuben Memorial State Historic Site- Memorial built to honor the "Drillmaster of the American Revolution" (New York)

Thomas Paine Memorial Museum- Museum which honors the writer of "Common Sense" (New York)

Steuben House- Presented to Baron von Steuben for his assistance during the Revolutionary War (New Jersey)

Boxwood Hall- Home of Elias Boudinot, a President of the Continental Congress (New Jersey)

Historic Rock Ford Plantation- Home of Edward Hand, Adjutant General to George Washington (Pennsylvania)

General Horatio Gates House- Home of a Revolutionary War hero (Pennsylvania)

Dickinson Plantation- Memorial to John Dickinson, member of the Continental Congress and signer of the United States Constitution (Delaware)

Smallwood State Park- Home of the commander of the Maryland Line (Maryland)

Mount Airy Mansion- John Parke Custis, son of Martha Washington was married here (Maryland)

Hugh Mercer Apothecary- Restored medicinal shop of General Hugh Mercer, mortally wounded at the Battle of Princeton (Virginia)

Hezekiah Alexander Homesite- Alexander participated in the committee that issued the noted "Mecklenburg Declaration of Independence" (North Carolina)

Barker-Moore House- Home of Penelope Barker, reputed leader of the Edenton Tea Party (North Carolina)

Iredell House- Home of James Iredell, appointed by Washington to the U.S. Supreme Court (North Carolina)

Blount Mansion- Home of William Blount, signer of the United States Constitution (Tennessee)

Cragfont- Home of General James Winchester (Tennessee)

Rock Castle- Home of Daniel Smith, a captain in the Revolutionary War (Tennessee)

Andrew Jackson State Park- At 13, Jackson joined the army and was later captured by the British (South Carolina)

Walnut Grove Plantation- Home of American war hero Margaret Kate Moore (South Carolina)

Drayton Hall- Birthplace of Patriot William Henry Drayton (South Carolina)

Elijah Clark State Park- Commemorates a frontiersman who led pioneers against the British (Georgia)

Homes of Loyalists

Wanton-Lyman-Hazard House- Home of Martin Howard Jr., a loyalist who wrote a widely read pamphlet criticizing opponents of the Crown (Rhode Island)

Tory Trail- A membership of six historic homes in Massachusetts which promotes the Revolution through the eyes of those who stayed loyal to the Crown. The six houses are:

Loring-Greenough House- Home of Joshua Loring, former British Navy officer and appointed by General Gage to the Governor's Council

Shirley-Eustis House- Built by Royal Governor William Shirley and passed to his son-in-law, Eliakim Hutchinson who was a frequent target of the Sons of Liberty.

Golden Ball Tavern- Owned by Isaac Jones, he entertained two British spies in the tavern but later changed alliegances

Hooper-Lee-Nichols House- Owned by Judge Joseph Lee, a British sympathizer

Isaac Winslow House- Even though a Tory, Winslow's heroic efforts in saving townspeople of Marshfield from an epidemic of smallpox kept him from losing his property

Isaac Royall House- Owned by Isaac Royall Jr. for almost 40 years; General gage reported that the house was behind rebel lines and Royall and his family fled to Nova Scotia

Jason Russell House- Owned by a loyalist, this was the site of the bloodiest fighting of the first day of the American Revolution, April 19, 1775



Did You Know?  

Did You Know?
That Thomas Stone spent his career writing? He was a lawyer, member of committees of correspondence, helped draft the Articles of Confederation, and signed the Declaration of Independence.

Last Updated: May 29, 2008 at 15:30 EST