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The DWR Aquacast is a short audio podcast that provides answers by the many experts in the department to informative and entertaining questions.

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news The Water Plan Update 2009
DWR has been crafting and updating the California Water Plan for 50 years. Join Kamyar Guivetchi, Manager of Statewide Integrated Water Management as he explains how the 2009 update is unique, and how the public can get involved in developing the Water Plan. Visit to check out the Public Review Draft and tell DWR what you think.
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news The 2009 Snow Pack Survey
As we begin our 2009 winter, California needs a pretty wet season to catch up with the last two dry years. Join Frank Gehrke, Chief of Snow Surveys here at DWR, as he conducts the first snow pack survey of the winter, and explains the results.
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news Water Education
When it comes to water education in California, DWR provides a host of tools for teachers and students. Join Carolyn Tucker, Water Education Specialist here at DWR, as she explains her role in promoting water awareness.
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news How does DWR assess flood potential in burned areas?
After the thousands of wildfires that charred millions of acres of California in the last few years, those burned areas are more susceptible to flooding and mud flows. Join Sonny Fong, Emergency Preparedness and Security Manager here at DWR, as he explains the department's role in protecting lives and infrastructure during the wet season.
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news The Delta Protection Commission
The Sacramento San Joaquin Delta is a valuable and delicate part of California's water supply, agricultural production, and unique ecosystems. To balance the needs of these aspects, the Delta Protection Commission was established to provide a voice for the Delta and those living there. Join Linda Fiack, Executive Director of the commission, to learn about how the DPC works to ensure the protection and preservation of the Delta.
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news DWR's Salmon Out Migration Study
The Sacramento San Joaquin Delta is a crucial part of the State Water Project, but we must balance our operations with the needs of the ecosystem. The Salmon Out Migration Study going on in the Delta right now will show us the best path for the Salmon to take through the Delta to ensure survival, and how our operations affect their migration. For more information, visit
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news DWR Flood Fight Training
When a levy breaks or a river overflows in California, it is vital to have well prepared responders to protect lives and property. DWR offers flood fight training throughout the state to make sure we're prepared to deal with a flood situation. Join Rick Burnett, a flood fight specialist with DWR, and Ray Garcia, one of the California Conservation Corps's trainers, as they explain and conduct a flood fight training on the banks of the American River.
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news DWR's Mailroom
Communication technology has sure come a long way in the last few decades, and has certainly saved a lot of paper. That doesn't bother Peter Villanueva, Chief of Imaging and Records Management in the DWR mailroom. Join Peter as he explains why email hasn't slowed down the mailroom, and why paper will never go away.
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news DWR's November Climate Change Summit
DWR is hosting a Climate Change Summit on November 13th and 14th. Join Amy Norris as she speaks with John Andrew, Executive Manager for Climate Change here at DWR, about the upcoming summit, and the climate change whitepaper that was recently completed.
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news The DWR Flood Operations Center
A drought like our current one here in California can create new issues for the wet season. The wildfires that burned our state have left blank hillsides with big potential for mud slides and flooding. Join Bill Croyle, Chief of the DWR Flood Operations Branch, as he explains his role in responding to flood events, and some of the challenges a dry year can have on flooding.
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news Greening DWR
DWR understands the threat of climate change and the importance of sustainability. That's why we have a project specifically dedicated to greening the department. Join Nate Frank, sustainability project specialist, as he explains what we're doing here at DWR to reduce our impact on the environment.
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news Why are there temporary rock barriers in the Delta?
DWR does a lot to keep the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta Delta healthy and functioning properly, including the use of temporary barriers to help control water levels and fish migration patterns. Join Mark Holderman, Chief of the Temporary Barriers Project, as he explains the significance and functions of these barriers.
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news Australian Drought Roundtable
If it seems that the second dry year in California has strained our state, imagine the drought lasting 11 years. That's how long Australia's devastating drought has lasted, and with a history of low rainfall, the nation down under has a lot of experience dealing with water conservation. Last week, DWR met with drought coordinators from Melbourne to discuss the similarities of the droughts in our respective regions. Join Chris Lee, Bruce Rhodes, and Brian Carnahan as they offer some insight into how one of the driest countries on earth approaches a very long-term drought, and what they're doing about it.
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news The Oroville Salmon Festival 2008
The Oroville Fish Hatchery hosted the 2008 Salmon Festival last weekend. If you missed it, join Zack Cunningham, live from Oroville, to learn about the history of the festival, and hear some of the spectators' reactions as well.
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news Why does the water year start on October first?
Each year on October first, hydrologists herald in the new water year. Maury Roos, long time hydrologist for DWR, explains why this is the appropriate time to annually reset record keeping for the state's reservoir levels, snow pack levels, river system runoff, and the hydrologic cycle in general.
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news Why is earthquake monitoring important to DWR?
California is a state known for many things, but few are as famous as our earthquakes. At DWR, earthquake monitoring plays an important role in keeping our water moving and our Dams safe. Jim Agnew, Senior Seismologist and Section Chief for Earthquake Engineering here at DWR, explains the history, significance, and current status of earthquake detection in California.
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news Why does DWR have a Tribal Liaison?
California is home to more than 150 Native American tribes, and these residents of our state have water needs just like the rest of us. Barbara Cross, our Government and Community Liaison, explains her role and the communication between DWR and California's tribes.
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news DWR's photography archives
If a picture tells a thousand words, than the millions of images in the department's photo archives speak volumes about the history of water in California. Join Dale Kolke, Chief Photographer here at DWR, as he delves into our extensive collection of pictures in the Photo department.
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news Live from the State Fair, 2008
If you haven't had a chance to see California's World Class Delta exhibit, this weekend is your last chance. In the meantime, join Zack Cunningham, live from DWR's exhibit, getting the crowd reactions, talking to volunteers, and trying to avoid the snakes.
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news What is the Salton Sea?
This week at the Aquacast, Dale Hoffman-Floerke joins us to discuss the Salton Sea. As the Chief of the Colorado River and Salton Sea Office here at DWR, Dale offers some insight into the history, problems, and restoration efforts of California's largest surface area lake.
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news What is this year's DWR State Fair Exhibit?
The California State Fair kicks off this Friday, August 15th, and DWR will be showing off "California's World-Class Delta." Join Dorothy Benjamin, Mike Miller, and Amy Norris as they offer a preview of this year's exhibit.
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news What is carbon-capture farming?
Can building new wetlands in the State's Delta help lower greenhouse gas emissions, restore natural habitat, and raise the elevation of sinking islands? Join Bryan Brock and Josh Meidav from the Delta Suisun Marsh office as they explain Carbon-capture farming.
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news Why do countries around the world want to tour the State Water Project?
Michael Miller, tour coordinator for the department, stops by the Aquacast this week to talk about why countries from all over the world, such as Japan and Australia, schedule tours of the State Water Project and other DWR facilities.
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news What is Hydrovision?
This week the Aquacast comes to you from Hydrovision 2008, the world's largest convention for hydroelectric power. Zack Cunningham from the public affairs office speaks to key Hydrovision speakers Leslie Eden and Richard Taylor about California's water and hydroelectric issues.
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news What is a Quagga Mussel?
In this edition of the Aquacast, we are joined by DWR's two leading scientists on the Quagga Mussel. This tiny mussel has the potential to cause billions of dollars of damage to state and federal water projects and have adverse biological and economic effects on California’s lakes and waterways.
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news How much does an acre-foot of water cost?
Robert Cooke, Chief of the State Water Project Analysis Office, makes an appearance on the Aquacast this week to talk about the cost of moving water, in the unit known as acre-feet, through the State Water Project.
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news What is C.A.S.T.?
Join Amy Norris from the public affairs office as she attends DWR's C.A.S.T. (Catch a Special Thrill) for Kids event at Lake Del Valle reservoir in Alameda County. Norris speaks with C.A.S.T for Kids volunteers and DWR staff who help these special kids learn how to fish, and also teach lessons on boating safety, anglers' ethics and natural resources.
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news What is a carbon footprint?
One of the buzz words associated with being Green and saving energy is "carbon footprint." John Andrew, executive director for climate change at DWR, explains what this means, and the steps our department is taking to drastically reduce the size of our carbon footprint.
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news What is CEQA?
Listen as David Sandino, chief counsel at DWR, explains the complicated but very important acronym CEQA. Virtually every project undertaken at DWR must comply with the California Environmental Quality Act and David tells us why.
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news What is the Delta Smelt?
A tiny fish that lives only in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta called the Delta Smelt has been making headlines this year because of a federal court order to protect it by restricting export pumping out of the Delta. Ted Sommer, DWR environmentalist scientist, tells us about this fish and the studies being conducted to learn more about why it has seen such a dramatic decline in population.
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news Why are we in a drought?
Gov. Schwarzenegger declared a statewide drought on June 4, which marks the first official drought since 1991. The Governor has urged all Californians to conserve their water use and ordered DWR to begin transferring water to areas with the most critical need. But why are we in a drought, and how does it compare to the last drought California experienced? We get the answer from Jeanine Jones, interstate resources manager at DWR.
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news What is the Big Lift?
Carl Torgerson, chief of Operations and Maintenance, describes how water is pumped over the Tehachapi Mountains, a journey that is known as the "Big Lift."
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news What is the DWR Aquacast?
Sue Sims, chief of the public affairs office, kicks off the DWR Aquacast with a short introduction of what you can expect.
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