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September 28 , 2005 Efforts to Promote Commuter Alternatives and Benefits Win EPA Awards
September 15, 2005

National Listing of Fish Advisories Released for 2004

American Association of Energy Engineers Accepts EPA's Energy Star Challenge to Improve Energy Efficiency

September 14, 2005 EPA and Federal Partners Warn of Potential Environmental Health Hazards When Returning to Homes and Businesses after Hurricane Katrina
September 9, 2005 EPA To Help States Meet Fine Particle Standards and Achieve Clean Air
September 6, 2005 EPA and HHS Urge Caution in Areas Exposed to Contaminated Flood Water
September 4, 2005 EPA Urges Caution When Re-entering Hurricane-Damaged Homes and Buildings
August 30, 2005 New Handbook to Help Accelerate Watershed-Protection Programs
August 23, 2005 EPA Unites Generations to Improve Environmental Health for All
August 18, 2005 New Report Shows Progress Reducing Air Pollution in Eastern United States
August 17, 2005 14 Communities Reduce Smog Ahead of Schedule
August 12, 2005 Data Sought for 26 Drinking Water Contaminants
August 10, 2005 New Tests to Detect Previously Undetectable Bacteria
August 1, 2005

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Federal Plan Proposed to Ensure Power Plant Pollution Cuts

Discarded Equipment Containing Mercury Now Managed as Universal Waste

July 21, 2005 New Environmental Research Fellowship Opportunities Available
July 12, 2005 New Assistance for States on Growth Issues Announced Former Governors Join EPA and NEA to Initiate New Institute on Community Design
July 11, 2005 Federal Agencies Partner to Reduce Home Energy Bills and Protect Environment
July 7, 2005 Communities in Five States Selected for Smart Growth Technical Assistance
July 1, 2005 Final EPA Staff Paper Recommends Stronger Particle Pollution Standards
June 29, 2005 Americans Encouraged To Check Air Quality Forecasts
June 16, 2005

EPA Launches National Clean Woodstove Campaign

National Parks and Wilderness Areas Protected by Clean Air Visibility Rule

June 3, 2005

Hartz to Relabel and Cancel Flea and Tick Drops for Cats and Kittens

Supporting Tougher Clean Diesel Standards, Advanced Technology Will Test Real-World Truck and Bus Emissions

June 1, 2005 Stay cool and comfortable this summer with Energy Star; Recommendations from EPA save energy and money at home
May 25, 2005 Federal Dollars Help States Improve the Nation's Beaches
May 11, 2005 Landmark Clean Air Interstate Rule to Take Effect
May 10, 2005 $75.9 Million in Brownfield Grants Announced
May 3, 2005 More Than 70 Percent Could Better Manage Asthma Triggers, EPA Survey Finds
April 11, 2005 New Rules Will Protect Air Quality on Indian Reservations.
April 8, 2005 Steve Johnson Cancels Children's Health Environmental Exposure Study
April 7, 2005 EPA Recognizes Clean Air Excellence Award Winners
April 5, 2005 Twelve Additional Areas now Meet National Air Quality Standards for Fine Particle Pollution
March 29, 2005 EPA Announces Results of Annual Sulfur Dioxide Auction
March 24, 2005 EPA Provides $10 Million to Improve Beach Water Quality Monitoring
March 15, 2005 EPA Announces First-Ever Rule to Reduce Mercury Emissions from Power Plants
March 7, 2005 EPA to Strengthen Protection from Lead in Drinking Water
February 15, 2005 EPA Proposes Regulatory Options for Maintaining NOx Air Quality Standards
February 10, 2005

EPA to Build World's First Full Hydraulic Hybrid Urban Delivery Vehicle

EPA Seeks Comments to Improve Emissions Monitoring

February 8, 2005 Drug Take-Back Program in South Portland, Maine Encourages Proper Disposal of Prescription Drugs
February 7, 2005 W.R. Grace and Executives, Charged with Endangering Libby, Montana Community, Fraud, and Obstruction of Justice
February 3, 2005

Hazardous Waste Tracking System Improved

Safer Disposal Methods Recommended for Used Syringes

January 28, 2005 EPA and Ford Test Promising Clean Diesel Technology on Passenger Vehicles
January 27, 2005 EPA and NOAA Will Help Coastal Communities with Coastal Growth, Development Issues
January 21, 2005 EPA Announces Air Quality Compliance Agreement for Animal Feeding Operations
January 19, 2005 EPA Announces New Aircraft Drinking Water Quality Data
January 13, 2005 Americans Urged to Test for Radon
January 12, 2005 EPA Joins With Organizations to Reduce Water Pollution
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December 17, 2004 EPA Announces Final Designations for First Fine Particle Standard
December 16, 2004

EPA Celebrates 30 Years of Progress for the Nation’s Drinking Water

EPA Amends Methyl Bromide Phase-Out for 2005 Critical Uses

December 14, 2004 2003 Particle Pollution Report Shows Major Improvements in Air Quality
November 30, 2004 EPA Releases Notice of Data Availability for Clean Air Mercury Rule
November 18, 2004 United States and China Launch Clean Diesel Retrofit Program
November 12, 2004 $4 Million in Grants to Research Environmental Impact of Nanotechnology
November 1, 2004 EPA Releases Final Science Review Document of Clean Air Standards for Particulate Matter
October 25, 2004 ENERGY STAR Helps Heat Homes More Efficiently
October 22, 2004 $660,000 to Research Grants Announced for Sustainable Development
October 21, 2004 World Trade Center Indoor Air Quality Sampling Proposal Circulated U.S. EPA Seeks Public Comment
October 14, 2004

EPA Announces Grants To Reduce Indoor Air Pollution, Supports World Rural Women's Day

Grants Awarded to Develop Pesticide Risk Reduction Programs

October 13, 2004 Environmental Information Exchange Network Grants Awarded
October 2004 Volcanic ash can travel hundreds to thousands of miles downwind from a volcano. Although ash is not highly toxic, it can trouble infants, older adults and those with respiratory ailments. More information can be found at http://www.epa.gov/airnow/volcano-events.html
September 29, 2004 EPA’s Office of Environmental Education grant program supports environmental education projects that enhance the public’s awareness, knowledge, and skills to make informed decisions that affect environmental quality. The deadline for applying for a 2005 grant is November 15, 2004.
September 29, 2004 EPA Recognizes Best Workplaces for Commuters from the Fortune 500 Companies
September 24, 2004 Press Advisory: EPA Solicits Proposals for Up to $800,000 in Brownfields Grants for Low-Income Communities Throughout the Country
September 16, 2004

EPA Solicits Proposals for Up to 200 Brownfields Grants Throughout the Country

Virginia Joins National Pollution Prevention Program for Health Care Industry

September 9, 2004 EPA Particulate Matter Research Report Released
August 26, 2004 Despite Progress, Sewer Overflows Still Pose Health and Environmental Concerns, EPA Reports
August 24, 2004 EPA Releases 12th Annual National Listing of Fish Advisories
August 12, 2004

EPA Seeks Comment on Proposed Truck Stop Idling Rules

EPA Funds Study to Determine Truck Drivers’ Exposure to Idling Emissions

August 9, 2004 EPA Launches Web Site on Urban Heat Islands
August 5, 2004 EPA Certifies First Hybrid SUV
July 29, 2004 EPA Awards Largest-Ever Grant To Study Health Effects of Air Pollution
July 21, 2004 EPA Aging Initiative, U.S. COPD Coalition Partner to Protect Older Americans
July 14, 2004 Improving Management of Household Prescription Medication Waste
July 7, 2004

Air Pollution Control Technologies Grants Awarded

EPA Offers Communities New Tool for Achieving Smart Growth and Water Quality Goals

July 2, 2004 Simple Steps To Conserve Gas, Save Money and Reduce Auto Emissions
June 29, 2004 EPA, States Working to Protect Public Health Through Fine Particle Standard
June 29, 2004 EPA Clarifies Analysis on Interaction Between Ozone and Air Fresheners
June 23, 2004

EPA Press Advisory: 2002 Toxics Release Inventory Released, Data Show Small Percentage of Drinking Water Systems Exceed Lead Action Level, Public Comment Sought for EPA Particulate Matter Research

June 16, 2004 New Five-Step ENERGY STAR Campaign Can Save Energy, Money, Environment
June 8, 2004 Efficient Cooling Systems Protect the Environment and Save Money
June 6, 2004 30 Communities Receive Environmental Justice Cooperative Agreements
May 27, 2004 EPA Region III Announces a $1 million Grant Program for Projects that Protect Human Health and the Environment (Regional Geographic Initiative, deadline Friday, July 16, 2004)
May 26, 2004 EPA Aging Initiative Announces a Photo, Essay and Poetry Contest. Deadline for submission of entries is August 27, 2004
May 26, 2004 EPA and NOAA's National Weather Service Adopt New Global Ultraviolet Index Guidelines
May 12, 2004 U.S. Annouces Major Clean Water Act Settlement with Retail Giant Wal-Mart
May 12, 2004 New Guidance issued for Managing Used Consumer Electronic Equipment
May 11, 2004 New Clean Diesel Rule Major Step in a Decade of Progress
  May 2004 Allergy and Asthma Awareness Month
May, 2004 Diesel Retrofits to Benefit Sensitive Populations – Grant Competition
April 21, 2004 Funding Now Available for Projects Focused on Protecting Older Adults
April 21, 2004 $2.2 Million in Research Grants Awarded to Better Protect Health of Native Americans
April 21, 2004 Earth Week: Your Chance to Recycle Old Electronics
April 19, 2004 U.S. EPA study finds air pollutants in cars cause health effects
April 14,2004 Power of Change Teaches Older Americans About Reducing Waste
March 31,2004 Over 1,000 to be Trained for Environmental Jobs in Brownfields Communities Nationwide
March 21-27, 2004 EPA Urges Public to Lock Up Household Products to Protect the Lives of Children in Conjunction with National Poison Prevention Week (PDF) (3 pp, 162K, About PDF)
March 4, 2004 Counterfeit Pesticide Products for Dogs and Cats Found - Retailers Ordered to Stop Sales (Almost 70% of U.S. households have one or more pet, including many headed by older adults)
March 4, 2004 New Innovative Projects Focus on Electronics Recycling, Pharmaceutical Waste and Emergency Preparedness
March 3,2004 Science Advisory Board Review of Draft Guidance for Assessing Risks from Early-life Exposure to Carcinogens
February 19, 2004 Public Hearings Scheduled on Clean Air Proposals to Reduce Emissions of Sulfur Dioxide, Nitrogen Oxides and Mercury from Power Plants - Feb. 25 and 26
February 18, 2004 Voluntary Partnerships Lead to Waste Reduction and Recycling
January 29, 2004 NAS Report Outlines Air Quality Progress, Future Challenges.
January 29, 2004 Public Comment Period Begins for Proposed Power Plant Regulations
January 15, 2004 January is National Radon Action Month
January 2004 Winter wise Tips
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December 17, 2003 EPA Aging Initiative Listserv Invites More Participation
December 17, 2003 Proposals requested for Particulate Matter Research
November 2003 Join the "Aging_Initiativ" Listserver! The "Aging_Initiativ" Listserver is part of our efforts to raise awareness about the susceptibility of older persons to environmental hazards and to share information on strategies to reduce or prevent exposure.
November 15, 2003 Recycle America Day
November 5, 2003 Toolkit for Assessing Potential Allegations at Environmental Injustice - EPA Federal Register Notice, Public Comment period ends on March 4, 2004 [PDF, 157 pp., 761 KB]
October 30, 2003 Smoke from California wildfires may be unhealthy for older adults. See also http://www.airquality.org/smokeimpact/  Link to EPA's External Link Disclaimer
October 29, 2003 Students and Senior Citizens join EPA in Water Monitoring Demonstration at Cobbs Creek
August 8, 2003 Global Water Quality monitoring effort begins
June 23, 2003 EPA Announces Unprecedented First “Draft Report on the
May 14, 2003 EPA Assistant Administrator for Water G. Tracy Mehan, III, announced the release of a video that documents the successful protection of water quality on Native American reservations.
May 6, 2003 Media Alert: EPA Public Listening Session to Frame National Agenda for the Environment and Aging
April 30, 2003 National Ozone Season Begins; Air Quality Index Forecasts To Begin Appearing in Newspapers and on Television
March 3, 2003 Headquarters Press Release: New EPA Website Supports NATIONAL AGENDA ON ENVIRONMENT AND THE AGING; EPA Launches www.epa.gov/aging to Heighten Public Participation (PDF) (1 p, 88 K, About PDF)
January 14, 2003 EPA Administrator Whitman Urges Home Testing for Radon, Commemorates National Radon Action Month

En Español:  Administradora De EPA Whitman Exhorta Al Publico A Realizar Las Pruebas De Radon En Sus Hogares En Conmemoracion Del Mes Nacional De Accion De Radon
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December 2002 EPA Plans Environmental Research For Initiative on Protecting Seniors (PDF)
Originally published by Aging Research & Training News (30 pp, 384K, About PDF)
December 4, 2002 Media Advisory announcing National Academy of Sciences Workshop on the Differential Susceptibility of Older Persons to Environmental Hazards
November 22, 2002 Environmental Health Threats to Elderly Are Top Priority for EPA Administrator (PDF)
Originally published by Older Americans Report (1 p, 103K, About PDF)
October 29, 2002 Press Release announcing the Aging Initiative at the Leadership Council of Aging Organizations meeting
October 24, 2002 Press Release announcing National Indian Council on Aging, Inc. Cooperative Agreement
October 11, 2002 Press Release announcing the Environmental Alliance for Senior Involvement Memorandum of Understanding

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