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Research Participation U.S. Environmental Protection Agency National Exposure Research Labaoratory Human Exposure and Atmospheric Sciences Division, Project # NERL-HEASD-2006-01

Research Triangle Park, North Carolina, Project # NERL-HEASD-2006-01

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), National Exposure Research Laboratory (NERL) in Research Triangle Park, North Carolina, is currently seeking to place a postdoctoral researcher in the Human Exposure and Atmospheric Sciences Division (HEASD).

The Exposure Measurements and Analysis Branch (EMAB) conducts measurement research addressing exposure to environmental contaminants through multiple pathways and routes.  The research supports source-to-dose modeling efforts, including providing the data needed to evaluate models.  The Exposure Modeling Research Branch (EMRB) conducts research to develop technical information and quantitative tools to estimate and evaluate the nature and magnitude of human exposures to environmental contaminants.  EMRB’s research includes development of the physical process, mechanistic, or stochastic modeling tools.  Through teamwork, EMRB and EMAB work to evaluate models with available data.  Currently, EMRB and EMAB are teaming up to evaluate the lifestyle factors most relevant for exposure to environmental stressors in the aging population.

A postgraduate research opportunity is available with EMRB/EMAB to perform statistical analyses and develop model parameters from literature-derived data to evaluate the lifestyle factors most relevant to the aging population.  Lifestyle is defined as those components of daily behavior that are systematic and regular over some specific period of time.  It includes daily time budgeting, dietary intake, habits, patterns of physical activity and exercise, and the form/intensity of social interaction. In additional, physiological and metabolic changes that may impact lifestyle factors are also relevant.  With mentorship from EPA scientists, the research fellow will characterize the distributions of the aging population with respect to age and gender, characterize the distributions that lead to differences in the aging population, and create model parameters for input a human exposure model.

Qualifications:  Applicants should have expertise in public health or environmental or biological science and should have received a graduate degree (PhD preferred) in a related field within three years of the desired starting date, or completion of all requirements for the degree should be expected prior to the starting date. Knowledge of appropriate biostatistical techniques for evaluating data and the ability to conceptualize and execute an original plan of research, establish research priorities and deadlines, judge the completeness and accuracy of research results are required.  The participant will be encouraged to make oral and written presentations of his/her research findings to a diverse audience.

U.S. citizenship or lawful permanent resident status is preferred. The program is open to all qualified individuals without regard to race, sex, religion, color, age, physical or mental disability, national origin, or status as a Vietnam era or disabled veteran.

The participants will be selected based on academic records, recommendations, research interests, compatibility of background and interests with research programs and projects at NERL-HEASD, and the availability of funds, staff programs and equipment.

The appointment is full-time for two years awarded in one-year increments.  Limited inbound travel and moving expenses may be reimbursed according to established polices. Also, limited funds may be provided for professional travel/training during the appointment. The participant must show proof of health and medical insurance. The appointee does not become an employee of EPA.

The mentor for this project is Thomas McCurdy.  He can be contacted at 919-541-0782 or at mccurdy.thomas@epa.gov.

The Postgraduate Research Program for NERL-HEASD is administered by the Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Education. Please reference Project # NERL-HEASD-2006-01 when calling or writing for information. For additional information and application materials contact: Postgraduate Research Program/NERL-HEASD, Attn: Betty Bowling, MS 36, Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Education, P.O. Box 117, Oak Ridge, Tennessee 37831-0117, Phone: (865) 576-8503 FAX: (865) 241-5219, email: betty.bowling@orau.org.

An application can be found at http://www.orau.gov/orise/edu/EPA/app-gugrgpd.pdf


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