Upcoming Screening Day:
October 08, 2009

Already held your NDSD event?
Tell Us About Your National Depression Screening Day event or download the NDSD Summary Form

National Depression Screening Day® 2008 registration available now! Register online, or download the registration form PDF.

Find a local event offering free, anonymous screenings.

Press release: Economic Crisis Making You Anxious or Depressed?

National Depression Screening Day®

For 18 years, Screening for Mental Health’s National Depression Screening Day® (NDSD) has offered health care providers evidence-based, affordable and easy-to-use mental health education and screening resources. Reaching community members with undetected and untreated mental disorders has never been more important. Studies show that most Americans wait years before they seek treatment for a mental health disorder, and many never seek treatment at all.

NDSD helps hospitals, social service organizations, government, faith-based, and advocacy organizations:

  • Screen and educate members of the community for depression, posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), bipolar disorder, and generalized anxiety disorder
  • Market services to community members
  • Educate clinicians about best practices for assessment and treatment
  • Refer those in need of treatment to mental health services

See the results of National Depression Screening Day 2008

Participating in the program:

Even though National Depression Screening Day is in October, you can participate in the program anytime of the year. We offer a wide variety of products and services.

·         Online Mental Health Screenings :  They can take an anonymous screening from the comfort and privacy of their computer.  Click here for to see a sample screening:       

o    https://www.mentalhealthscreening.org/screening/   Keyword: Sample   

·         Educational materials on suicide prevention, depression, and much more.

·         Clinician diagnostic guides and materials.

·         Click here to order materials

Mark your calendars - National Depression Screening Day 2009:

National Depression Screening Day 2009 is scheduled for Thursday, October 8th, 2009.

Screening for Mental Health, Inc., is a non-profit organization that does not provide medical, psychological, diagnostic or treatment services. If you or someone you know is in crisis and need immediate help, please go to the nearest emergency room, call 911, or 1-800-273-TALK (8255).

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