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National Uterine Fibroids Foundation - NUFF

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Other Contact Information

PO Box 9688
Colorado Springs, CO 80932-0688

719-633-3454 (Voice)


The National Uterine Fibroids Foundation (NUFF) is a not for profit public benefit corporation organized to engage in charitable, educational, and scientific activities related to the care and treatment of women who have uterine fibroids or related conditions of the reproductive system. NUFF is dedicated to five goals, including (1) advocate for the rights of all women to maintain independent choice in the matter of deciding upon treatment options for uterine fibroids and related medical conditions affecting women's reproductive systems, (2) promote alternatives to hysterectomy in an effort to thereby reduce the number of unnecessary hysterectomies performed on women with gynecological problems each year in the United States, and (3) provide support to internet-developed women's health groups that provide services to women recovering from treatment choices that resulted in a negative outcome and/or reduced Quality of Life related to uterine fibroids and/or other conditions of their reproductive systems.

Online Resources

Print Resources

The Foundation provides information to the public about the diagnosis of, and treatment options for, uterine fibroids and related conditions affecting women's reproductive systems.

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